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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by GreyDust

  1. Lol, u damn jerkers.
  2. Watch ur mouth kid I'm older then u.
  3. Agreed, and when they r close u use way to many bullets on one stalker. TIP, Stand behind a good cover place and shoot with sniper from far when u vision the infected. + U got way more time to react. + U got more kills. + Less sweating over one weak stalker. + More equal weapon ammunition sparing. - U need aim. - Watch out for enemy's from behind. I got butt raped enough times to know u really don't want a behemoth behind u. U really need to start using 'you'. Also, learn2apostrophe. [/grammar_nazi_mode] That's a negative, over my dead body.
  4. Agreed, and when they r close u use way to many bullets on one stalker. TIP, Stand behind a good cover place and shoot with sniper from far when u vision the infected. + U got way more time to react. + U got more kills. + Less sweating over one weak stalker. + More equal weapon ammunition sparing. - U need aim. - Watch out for enemy's from behind. I got butt raped enough times to know u really don't want a behemoth behind u.
  5. I am surprised to know that a ban system can fail. Ur not the only one who is surprised.
  6. Fucking 10/10
  7. 7/10 Slayer - Angel of Death.
  8. Guys there's a problem with the ban system. Today I tried to join IW server and it worked. Now there is a risk that all those other dickheads and hackers rejoin. Greets GreyDust.
  9. I have played a lot of servers incl ZS. The fact u never seen me play doesn't mean I never was on the server.
  10. Impressive. I love how u left the npc's fighting.
  11. That's old man, I remember that time. ^^
  12. YOU LUV ME FOR MY AMMU???? Darkness doesn't love me i luv u cuz ur cool in iw well in zs too and in tf2 and in Forums too In real life too and sneeds mouth is big enough for your penis - ur cool Fixed Can't think about anything better? *Sigh*
  13. Thank you, the new zombie video is going to be alot better and more interesting for the viewers. Because it's zombie, I'm going to add a metal soundtrack because it fit's better to the dark atmosphere of the zombies. And lot's more fighting That will change the feeling u get by watching a movie allot more then now. I agree it's much more suitable.
  14. has not set their status

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  15. Ahhh, interesting. ^^
  16. YOU LUV ME FOR MY AMMU???? Darkness doesn't love me i luv u cuz ur cool in iw well in zs too and in tf2 and in Forums too In real life too and your penis is big enough to fit in my mouth Fixed Whahahaha so true!
  17. I bet he does. Why not Ywa, u should be proud man that your sister is a hotty. Many people don't have the luxury that u have.
  18. gtfo :< Jane <3 lol So Ywa's sister is a hotty, please tell me more. ^^ I heard he liked french wines. Remember a condom Thanks for the tip. I think some1 loves u Cyrius some where long long ago in a galaxy far far away.
  19. Making changes in game modes is risky, but it's how u change it. Spawn camping is a flaw in IW, and flaws are mostly priority's to fix. But what if people r spawncamping and some douchebag got behemoth and is afk and there r 5 experimentals turret spamming ur ass. That's a flaw, goodluck with ur ''skill'' to beat them. That's no excuse to justify it.
  20. Ahh a submarine I'm gonna think about that one, nah just jokin with ya Dark and btw I'm not in the map contest. Just doin it for personal experience and to see how to make a good map.
  21. That's a nice map but a little to detailed for me. Thanks for ur intake Notte and for adding me as friends. ^^
  22. Well I just needs some idea's to get inspired. I don't got alot of time thinking about my map so I ask u all. Why create a map when it's not loved by the players?
  23. Intro: So I'm planning to make an awesome map for gmod but I got allot of things on my head these times and I would ask u all for some idea's and advice. What would u want to see on a map? If u guys would just post your idea it would be great. How to post an idea: Please give an answer to these questions: - In what scenario should a map be? (Example: Creepy, On a field were the sun shines, In a combine city, in the dessert or on a big spaceship) - Map size? (Example: Small - Huge) Note: Please give me an idea if u for example said medium how big that is? - What should be in the map? (Example: Lots of traps, living rooms, towers or a nuke perhaps? - Do you want it to have a story line? Yes? please tell me more.(Like u walk through the map and u learn more about it in a story way) Afterword: Guys thanks in advance! I'll let u know what idea's I've come up with and please rate them! I'm looking forward hearing from u guys! -GreyDust
  24. Better 1 week then a whole month. ^^ But the insta kill behemoth shot could be triggered if there was a heashot made on the humans. (That's what I think)
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