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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nick_026

  1. You can program it locally on your local server
  2. Thanks everyone for the lovely event. It was fun as always! Thanks to this test I have found a few issues which I'm gonna solve asap. After these fixes are applied we can host more events
  3. Couldn't find the map you suggested in rotation
  4. These are the maps we're going to play during the event. All maps will be played once. When we finished all maps and there is time left we will play any map any person desires.
  5. Map suggestions are hereby closed to give me time to prepare the server. Thank you!
  6. MrGreen Test Event It's been a long time but it's finally time for an event! We have created an event server specifically used for events. This server has access to all maps from both race and mix! In this server you'll have access to your Green account, you'll earn GreenCoins, and can improve all your toptimes! To test the performance, settings, and resources of this server I'll be hosting a test event: Time: Saturday 28th of August @ 19:00 CEST Server: mtasa://event.mrgreengaming.com:22003 (will be online shortly before event starts) All players can submit up to 3 maps they want to see played during this event. Depending on the amount of submissions I will choose all 3 maps, 2 maps or only 1 map of your submission. You can place your submission in the comments but please follow the following draft: Ingame Name: Map 1: map name (gamemode) Map 2: map name (gamemode) Map 3: map name (gamemode) Due to this event being a test event there will not be any prizes. I hope to see lots of submissions and lots of players ingame once the event begins! This is the new era of events @ MrGreen
  7. Here is the code Dziny, good luck deleting the code https://github.com/MrGreenGaming/MTA-Resources/blob/26d608eb3528d0313216c612cd7d61fac4041ece/resources/[race]/race/modes/shooter.lua#L1025
  8. Lol Dziny can't play Shooter and Derby
  9. Because this isn't the first time we had to punish you and it will definitely not be the last time. Thats why you're permanent muted and marked
  10. That's because you are not logged in with your previous account (which might still be banned, not sure)
  11. That is correct. As a comprise of the unban the admin team decided to mute and mark you permanently
  12. Forum and Discord is out of my hands. I'll ask around
  13. Ok should be unbanned. Don't make me regret this.
  14. Fine... one more chance... What's your serial?
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