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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. There's no evidence showing whether more horns result in more people donating, especially considering you can still earn plenty of GC by simply playing for a while. Besides, one or two horns being delayed that long isn't going to make or break the server as there are still hundreds to choose from.
  2. umadbro? Why are you here? Go elsewhere if you aren't happy with how this place functions. 22 days do seem like a lot, but I'm sure approving horns is at the very bottom of anybody's priority list. Nobody's "screaming for money." Check yourself. I think r0cK is just trolling.
  3. Oh, I see. I thought double GCs would be for the whole three days.
  4. Then why did @Cena mention Dec. 25 / 26 / 27?
  5. So, are double GCs over already?
  6. RAVE, /freecam, HAX
  7. Idea: /favorite It adds the current map to a favorites tab in F6.
  8. This must be why people just fly by me on those dingy falls type maps. What FPS do you recommend? My boat FPS is already capped to 60.
  9. That is off-topic. Ban.
  10. Hitching a ride with Shyloo.
  11. Suggestion: Fix the progress bar that used to appear on the right side of the screen (like the screenshot below). The options for it are still in /settings, but it never displays.
  12. 1) Spam 2) Titanic race
  13. No idea; AFAIK this is how it's always looked for me.
  14. Server: Race Map name: Glory Hole Theme Park Reason: The dingy will often come to a stop before you reach the final CP. Screenshot:
  15. Four seasons per year. There would be a separate top eight board for each map. You can get rewarded (with GCs) based on how many tops you've set. It should keep people coming back.
  16. 1) Ping... 2) RAVEBREAK!
  17. That was just the basic overview of what /bet could do. Of course, there would need to be limits (can't /bet when fewer than five people are left, etc.). Maybe one day a good version can be made.
  18. A /bet system is still what I propose. Bet on who you think will finish first if you're dead already (in SH or DD, for example).
  19. Server: Race Map name: BlueYoshi's Green Island - Part 7 Reason: Platform at the end isn't solid for some players. Video:
  20. Funniest thing I've read all week. Ignored.
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