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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Question:Does the zs server get updated with these changes? @this can you make it a button and not a chat command as try typing when there are zombies about
  2. possibly change the weapons so that assault rifle`s have more recoil(specially when moving)but more dmg (ass they fire slower than smg but dont have enough noticable damage smg`s maybe a little bit more recoil saw maybe make you move a tad slower shotguns are good
  3. The leveling is a bit flawed as you dont want to hunt 1 class all the time my sugguestion make comando: x kills,x headshots bserker: x dmg,X health regen support: x assists , x props nailed medic: x heal,x health vials (possibly implement a random vial spawn) engineer: maybe give a shield that tanks ranged damage(poison/howlers) that needs energy cells or he could use those cells to power a turret for say ((X energy cells x 30secs)maybe same spawn system as health vials) x energy used,x mine dmg, if he has a shield he wont take as much mine dmg but enineer takes x% more mele dmg compared to other classes EDIT: if you have mysterious stranger perk make it so magnum isnt replaced by glock. Agreed at doubledges 1gc for x teamate heal
  4. 5/10 im not a fan of that type of music this is the clossest thing i like..
  5. somehing tells me he needs to look and come on with that amount of initiative he wont get admin
  6. money + stuff
  7. I think its just that zombie survival gamemodes died in generall still zs is still more popular than the sp server. ohh well merrys christmas even though theres still another 12h to go ohh well i know some of you euro countries celebrate on christmas eve
  8. Grief
  9. trolls
  10. ninja
  11. damien for president he even argues with me when im doing something questionable he really knows his stuff all i can say is good luck you deserve it
  12. nothing much clothes,dvds and money (i still have over £300 left from last years xmas+exam money+bday) was thinking of learning/buying a bass guitar
  13. SHARK!
  14. the most interesting f2play seen ive seen so far and ive played combat arms ,soldierfront,gunz,AVA,wolfie team,blackshot,crossfire (and more) and this (looks)> all others i loved battlefield on the ps2 + this
  15. sombrero?
  16. Portals
  17. ontopic
  18. rock(type)
  19. lagg
  20. Drugs (you know its true!)
  21. orange
  22. are
  23. Sony
  24. Scandinavia
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