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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Its probably due to the source engine update...
  2. I always was, been living under a rock? correction: scince shock became obvious troll
  3. Griffon

    Firefox is shit

    Im a firefox using, xp user. Problem win 7 fags?
  4. Pufulet's maps are old??? scince shock became a troll? yes.
  5. I love it when people dont know the diference between hack and glitch it really tells me something about their computer knowladge.
  6. forums are for sugguestions, game is for playing game. Having pointless features in zs will make it slower to load snd to a new person theres already loads to download as it is. Forums are here might as well use them Hell no choas system is awesome, tigrick doesnt bother me but i can see why
  7. We need to get together in a big ass steam chat or something and make a big ass compilation of all the best,workable ideas like you said. The problem is choosing what ideas are workable
  8. Holly tripple post batman! There is a edit button you know? But anyway the only idea i like is reaload for lasthuman (that song is epic)
  9. I wish i had the money and the knowlage to build mah own pc
  10. what about a healing grenade?
  11. Griffon

    Post your shoes

    maybe it was a gift?
  12. Normal magnum or the bonus dmg from the perk? also totally agreed on the ammo thing
  13. When garry shot monkey i died a litle on the inside,i laughed so hard.
  14. Griffon

    E3 2011

    yes but i got me a Wii Wuu xD
  15. Griffon

    E3 2011

    I just cant take the name WIIuuuu seriously... The same with the psp VITaaaaa. Is it me or are names for consoles getting more and more retarded? NGP was a much better name or hell even PSP2.
  16. Good beacause 2142 was the most awesomesauce fps shame it was underplayed and underated
  17. Griffon

    E3 2011

    Battlefield 3 is the only thing interesting thing ive seen on e3...
  18. I was simply stating that 99% of the time (average joe) it doesnt get used i know there are some decent medics who use it and use it well, but compared to other last stand weapons it seems a bit lacking And how does medic=crossbow i find the conection confusing.
  19. Last man stand *cough* *cough* thats beacause i have seen nobody survives that long as medic or redeem as medic, and quite frankly who would ?
  20. Well after playing both games and loving them (best two thing to come out of russia) and being in my top 5 favourite games. Which one do you prefer and which one are you looking forward to more? I personally like the throw you in head first and learn everything yourself difficulty of chernobyl and the free roam aspect of pripyat over the stuning intensity of metro's gameplay and visuals. Thoughts?
  21. I have never played medic but the fact that 1)I never see a medic reach enough score to get crossbow or 2)When they do have it, it lacks ive never seen a medic get it
  22. oh btw we found a note... "It was us signed Annonymous" lol sony jokes are fun
  23. 1)me 2)myself 3)I serious note 1)pufu 2)Ywa 3)mogadon 4)whoever posts something lulzy on the forums
  24. time spent mapping overall pufu= nolife to long tennis= 3-4 days experience is key
  25. Wow a very good first map im impresed (not that ive mad more than a box in hammer ) agreed with delu consider retexture it(look at somr reallife photos for inspiration)
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