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Mr. Green Gaming


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fuck last won the day on January 18 2018

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  1. Upwhat?
  2. Hello Mr. Green! An early version of the Racing Assist is now available for testing. How to use it? Just write /assist in chat. To disable it, write /assist off The assist will load at the beginning of the map You need a local ghost in order to see anything Note This is the first release, so don't be surprised at anything strange It has no fancy menus and options yet Bugs, opinions are welcome.
  3. Also, I think we can drop the idea of showing top #1 - its a sacred thing that shouldn't be touched.
  4. @Bierbuikje Yes.
  5. Note: I don't want to start a mindless game of "chase the line". I made this mod to help players improve their driving skills. Learn where and when to brake, how fast to go in corners, find the best apex and corner radius, etc. Show some team spirit, help me find common ground with the top tier and average racers.
  6. Now you just lied to yourself. Instead, can you give me ideas to make this script acceptable?
  7. What if you follow only your own ghost?
  8. Hello Mr. Green! Look at your man. Now back to me. I'm sitting in a ghost car. What is this? This is a script I made, inspired by DiRT 3, that draws a dynamic racing line near the player to help him choose the right curves and right speed. It could be both used to improve your own times based on your own ghost, and to see how the top racers drive based on the top 1 ghost. How? Don't be fooled, it uses only race ghost data. The script has no idea about the map, its just displaying the path of the ghost in a very cool and interactive way. The rest is math and magic. It would be cool to add this to Mr. Green as a feature.
  9. shit man, i wanna know too
  10. why not?
  11. gimme mah money
  12. It would be fun to upload 3 horns from these. I listened to an hour CJ sound compilation, and cut out the funny ones. 4.mp3 5.mp3 6.mp3 1.mp3 2.mp3 3.mp3
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