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Mr. Green Gaming

Tom Klijbroek

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Everything posted by Tom Klijbroek

  1. I'm talking about maxwellsmart. You can still see it says 'Showing 4 random friends of 4' on my profile when there are only 3 left now. His message doesn't have his name on it anymore.. I wonder what happened to him and why his profile seems to be gone. Every time I think about him now I just can't keep from crying. He never done no wrong and he never harmed no one, he was just.. maxwellsmart.. a friend of mine.
  2. So the world as we know it is basically coming to an end.. lets enjoy the last evening we can spend in it with some songs around a campfire.
  3. I like this video because it explains the Nintendo 64 and shows a little of Mario 64 and you can watch it in three different languages: German, English or Dutch.
  4. Fat Man looks like that guy with the Michael Jackson voice from the Simpsons episode 'Stark Raving Dad'.
  5. Moon shed a tear Moon give me fear Moon light my way Moon after day
  6. The way I see it, Just ask yourself, What would clavus think of me if I post this image. Probably something like.. 'Idiot'
  7. Well it's pretty arbitrary. What one considers to be funny will be totally lame to someone else. Maybe there should be a definition of 'funny' in the rule. Like 'Could be considered funny by at least 1 admin'.
  8. Nature is our mother, we are sucklings at her breast. And he who tries to beat her down will lose her to the rest.
  9. I don't like the way this thread is going, Yoshi's drifting off into acid wonderland and we're not getting closer to a solution.
  10. It has to be solved somehow. I can't stand the thought of Minecraft without Yoshi, or Yoshi without Minecraft any longer.
  11. Sounds indie. 7.281/10 This infamous video was shot in my hometown. Yoshi fancies singer Aukje.
  12. Wait.. do it in the next map.. an evil windmill with lava around it. I will pay you.. whatever is in the green's storeroom.
  13. Could you make something that looks like a windmill? I'm Dutch after all.
  14. This fort's design is a little too arty-farty for me, could you make me something more basic?
  15. Well Mozzie, maybe you should put some examples of forts you can build on your website. Then all these skeptics go like: omg I want one I want a real Mozzie-fort. But they're expensive, so only the rich crafters can afford to buy a real Mozzie-fort. The other poor bastards just have to fend for themselves.
  16. Well.. Clavus sells piles of dirt for 40 green coins in his Minecraft shop. There must be a demand for this stuff..
  17. Yeah I mean that's like setting up a specialized place to order pizzas from, and when I order a pepperoni he's like 'email me with info on what you want on it, i've got no idea what a pepperoni is!'
  18. How much for a watercube?
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