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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Chikennugget1(Chikennugget1) (very original I know) -MAG -Metal Gear Solid 4 -LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2 -Tekken 6 -Red Dead Redemption +Undead Nightmare -GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City -Race Driver Grid (I think I have played a total of 2 times with this game ).
  2. I guess that if I post any code it will look like shit so I'm doing it: ;utilisation interruption logicielle BIOS clavier et ĂŠcran [bITS 16] [ORG 0x100] mov si,0 call affich mov ah,4ch int 21h affich: mov al,[msg+si] inc si cmp al,0 je faffich mov ah,0eh mov bh,0 int 10h jmp affich faffich: ret msg db 'coucou',0
  3. Ok, then I'll use hl2.I will have to change the skybox though (currently episode 1). And for the 3d skybox I tried to do one but it bugged (the sky was very bloomy and the colors bugged).
  4. Hey there, you probably don't remember zs_ghostcanal (which was my second map, that I posted here but the topic got lost forever), I wanted to continue this map but as I lost the file I couldn't do it. What I've simply done is restarting everything from zero and improve the design a lot. It's a sort of post-apocalyptic themed map, taking place in a canal/den where boats used to pass but that is now completely desert, and falling in ruins, and now it's a battlefield for humans and zombies That's how it looks like (for now) : (download the image pack, I'm having problems with imageshack and formats -.-", I'm going to post the pics little by little ). Full images pack : http://filesmelt.com/dl/img_ghostcanal.zip (ok only 4 images cause imageshack and shit are not working correctly ) As you can see the map is not finished,that's why I don't give a download link at the moment. To do list: -Add a few more buildings. -Finish the big building. -Finish the underground passage. -Save the map under Half life 2's engine (cause currently it's Episode 1's engine, because I don't knowi f HL2 supports HD render). -Fix light issues (not very important, but some are too bright). -Moar props. -Skybox 3d maybe. I've tried to optimize as much as I could the map, I've quickly check the fps rate it's currently fluid! Tell me what you think
  5. Your map was funny to play on (especially the elevator part), but you should remove the bunch of props that are upstairs (where everyone camps) so it won't be the unique winplace
  6. Chikennugget1


    Haven't bought a PSP game since 2-3 years, it really lacks of good games. I have the first PSP version (the big one), and I won't buy a new one.
  7. K,N,A,M,C.... Okay, I'm not a Pokemon. Though my favorite pokés are Typhlosion and Steelix. PS : Sabrina is hotter than Jasmine.
  8. Caca/sheiß/shit in your language Three words person story-2 = this topic
  9. Huh?
  10. Not nice D: Happy birthday Kasoulette de boulette de Poufoulette
  11. Happy birthday guys
  12. Wait no, and if you don't want to redeem 3 times and just want to redeem at the end (assuming you're zombie since the beginning or not too late, and you have more than 8 kills) ? The "most brains eaten" wouldn't have sense.
  13. I don't know if I'll join ,if the prizes are interesting, why not (and mostly ,if it's not something like 22h gmt...) Played 220 hours in total, and I play a bit of everything, but mostly spy/heavy.
  14. Je te plussoie à 1000% The game isn't Survival now, it's the rush for the best weapons, and camp with 150 wood planks, every props nailed, noobs...
  15. That's the same thing, you can't see anything because your screen is blurred and you are running in the wrong way so you have no chance of surviving.
  16. Happy birthday ol' man (I thought you were 23 )
  17. No.You've been active only for a few days, and yes you made a lot of topics but most of them are whining topics or 150 suggestions that you could have put in the SUGGESTION THREAD. And to stay ontopic, ZS is imbalanced. I already said it, 2 screamers are too much. Only wraith should be able to scream and disorient people, and howler should gtfo or be changed. It has always been hard, but mostly because 75% of the players are kiddies or noobs that don't know what the word teamplay means. In the old time I liked playing as zombie then redeeming as human and get some kills, now I hate this because when I redeem I can stand 5 seconds before getting surrounded without any escape option, I'm disoriented by howling bitches and blocked by fasties or crabs and I die.End of the story.
  18. I don't see why breaking barricades should be bad, somehow that's right to break cades as people tend to use them to spam them everywhere.
  19. +1 Just remove howlers and give the wraith their scream back.Or at least change the hwoler's ability to something else.
  20. Typhoid, make a single topic where you post all your questions cause you make a lot of them too fast
  21. I don't bother about requirements, what's the point of only playing to get them if you don't have fun.
  22. Did I smoke something today or did the Wraith got his scream back? I redeemed and ran in a random way with 10 zombies, including the howling bitches and wraiths, with a good familiar "WYAAAAAAH" scream. If the wraith's ability is back you should do something with the howlers, there are enough screams and shaky/blurry effects like that! Make those bitches doing something else than the Wraith's job (I come back on one of my old idea which was a sound alteration, when Howler screams, instead of shaking your screen it makes you "depth" for a few seconds so you can't hear attack sounds/screams etc...).
  23. Best class was when there were no classes (not a troll >: O), no wait, there were "Noobs" and "Pros" as classes.
  24. About the timer with milliseconds, I find this useless too, but more important, it distracts too much your eye when you look at the top of the screen (and god knows how many times I look at the top, just to see colored dots or zombies), it makes a faster movement on the screen and it's pretty disturbing. Another thing, that same bar, with the timer, could be reduced and moved a bit to the top, because currently there is a little blank space between it and the top border, and also the blood effect under it could be slightly reduced (the trails are a little bit too long). And instead of making a big zombie counter at the middle of the bar, you should devide the counter in two, humans left and zombies (because currently you need to watch the bar to see how many zombies are there and look at the bottom for the number of humans left).
  25. Sounds unbalanced, everyone will choose the best weapons. That's not realistic, it's meant to be a survival game, you use what you find. (yeah,yeah, zombies are not realistic, but for gameplay purposes it should remain like that).
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