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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I curse blond girls.Wtf is happening in their head is a mystery.

    1. Nobana


      True, true.

  2. Pufu : Vegas 10 is a pain, it lags as hell for previewing, but it's damn good.

  3. Will pass my driving test on 28th .

  4. Why do we have this, shoutbox is enough :

  5. new shoutbox ?

    1. VMR


      This is in addition to the shoutbox, Ywa just hasn't fixed the shoutbox yet

    2. jedabia


      may i ask why not? the shoutbox seems to be an integral part of this community.

  6. what the hell is dat

  7. what the hell is dat

  8. I'm off for Tunisia tomorrow for 5 weeks
  9. Just stop with the games, you've already made another one, why don't you keep it instead of making another one? Also, I don't know for you, but I hate those spam4free topics, and I hate pyramids |< Lock ! (inb4YwasaysnoBackseatmoderating : I'm helping..maybe...)
  10. Anyway, isn't advertising forbidden ?
  11. Meh, aren't you already an admin ? Oo
  12. That's why I said +1h for GMT dudes
  13. Hey people, in exactly 37 minutes(+1h for GMT dudes) our beloved Error401(or Ewwow, or Darkstar...) will turn 19 ! Don't make a fuss about the fact this topic is slightly too early, that was for copyright purposes (as always, hum...). So, yeah, our (inter)national brit' deserves one more awesome birthday topic, and as always I invite everyone to wish him an happy birthday and offer him a little something ! On my side I'll offer ya my tutored project, as I promised once, but that'll only be on the afternoon (I'm busy with this during the morning), I'll have to check some little things and see if it runs on Windows (else you'll have to get Linux, muehehe ). And if it won't run, I'll make some cool posing or something Happy birthday ! Failedit : Late Forum time is late |<
  14. *Scene where medic walks out of hospital with doves* *1 second later* *Scene where spy kills medic from "Meet the spy"* On topic: Great video I had the idea of using the spy's head as a joke, medic opens 3-4 times the fridge's door and the spy says something different each time, or maybe I can do it so when the spy dies in meet the spy his head goes directly in the medic's fridge
  15. Awesome video ,this already gives me new ideas for TF2 poops
  16. Ok, sorry for bumping this, but I felt the need to post something for my dog, who died today during the night (from a possible heart attack). He was my best friend ever, for over 8 years. The best song that illustrates this friendship: In Memory of Oscar (11/26/02 - 06/19/11) : Rest in peace my friend.
  17. It looks poor,but that's normal for a first map, add more stuff/decorations and exploit your restaurant idea, that sounds original .
  18. 1)Use the suggestion thread. 2)Just replace the lasthuman.mp3 with your song, reload is good. 3)what the hell is your extra brain that gives shit? 4) Thank my adrenaline idea, which makes you run faster when your health is low. 5)*thinks about an idea *....Your hat thing is meh ;(
  19. I don't know if I will buy it, apparently the maps are badly made, and the gameplay is old :/
  20. I won't buy it, not until I see its marks on videogame websites.
  21. Hey amigo it's been a long time ! And, as you can see, I am no longer admin(and I have never played MTA btw). And I don't play Green ZS anymore :/ Nice to see. You should apply for MTA admin too then I don't have the game
  22. Hey amigo it's been a long time ! And, as you can see, I am no longer admin(and I have never played MTA btw). And I don't play Green ZS anymore :/
  23. Chikennugget1

    E3 2011

    That WAS Project Cafe. It's called the Wii U. New console with a bastard child of the iPad and Nintendo DS as controller. Controller Console (backwards compatible with the Wii and can use all the Wii controllers) The console specs are still shady, but apparently it's powered by the same processor architecture as IBM's Watson supercomputer (NOT the exact same processor of course), and an AMD HD GPU. Supports 1080p, HDMI, etc etc Okay, I hope we'll be able to play Wii U games on Wii (even if it means lower quality) !
  24. Chikennugget1

    E3 2011

    Aren't you guys meant to be working during the day instead of watching live e3s ? ^^ I missed Nintendo's conference but apparently that was disappointing, no Project Café, only some handheld wii tactile pad
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