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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. A little bit short. Good luck anyways
  2. What about Portal Gun that can be used as a trap?
  3. Not my fault if my clipboard contains something in french And I do know we should program in english but as I'm programming for school purposes I don't really need to
  4. Painis. Scout
  5. Unrelated, but why the hell do you even program in French? Because the answer is obvious, you know it Also, these are just comments. I need to stick with french as this was a part of a homework that I have to make both on pc and paper (pc = the program, paper= algorithm, and it must be in french).
  6. Non sense
  7. FOR I IN T'RANGE LOOP -- Pour i de 1 à 30 J := T(I); --J prend la valeur de T(I); Yes, this is non sense, but what do you want.
  8. Nice bump mr boomp, now say goodbye to your credibility.
  9. Mario
  10. Hornet
  11. Another thing. Learn to use the edit fuction.
  12. Oy hombre, el espanol es muy dangerouso porque es el evilo aqui!
  13. brain
  14. Ass
  15. It's 2 months. Not 3. It's their shortest delay ever right? If it's the shortest one, I can't imagine the longest.
  16. Belly button? That's a hole on the body right? I discovered strange silk balls inside and I think that's somehow related to my cum sessions.Or the pyjama just sticked. Penis discussion.Your turn.
  17. Why is everyone crying for a 3 months delay? I smell some Purple Box pack hidden behind that delay. (bah, it could be black box, or red stripe box but let's call it purple box, cause purple rocks).
  18. Halo.
  19. Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
  20. List of shit: -Steam still not launching games after a clean reinstall. -Ada language pissing me off A LOT.Because I have to code a program that generates random marks on 20, that have to be precised to the quarter of point (so, 0.25,0.50...) and these notes must all be different. And then we have to code a sequential searching program that finds(or not) the mark you said. -8,5/20 in maths while I got 17,5 and 14/20 in english.SHOULD BE 17,5 in MATHS Fxdjkztxrijcdlkgdkdh5\*{]. -Steam still not launching games. -Halo Reach so repetitive and that is slow when you want to rank up. -Being angry because of being already angry.Lolwat.
  21. Hundred2
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