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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I finally received a mail from Steam support, they asked me to send them a msinfo32 file so they can analyze my configuration. I did that,now I have to wait again but I hope they will find something.. :< Edit: Also,confusion, I tried the xp mode, no better results :/
  2. :noel: ---------- Welcome back cow, yeah zs is pretty bad now. Nigga stole my :noel: Stop :noel:-ing XD Nevah evah, I found how to :noel:ize my posts without using a smiley, none can stop me. Cowballzooka *reloading, Cow...PEEM!
  3. :noel: ---------- Welcome back cow, yeah zs is pretty bad now. Nigga stole my :noel:
  4. Can you please stop adding :poop: or or w/e the caca is, each time you quote me? I can ask a ban for ya because you insult an admin Unless it's a zoo! Or better, I will ask Cow to throw s*d*mite cowballz in your bed
  5. He offered you the game as a gift or you paid him after? Mayco I'll make an awesome video of you pwning the world if you buy me Braid Btw I have 800 Microsoft Points (10€ and I didn't open the box) for XBL, can make a deal
  6. I want mah !nugget epic phrase so everyone will touch themselves when they think about me xDD
  7. I think he doesn't want that we tell everyone he is back cause he has issues outside of the web,if I understood what he told me etc... But anyways COWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BUFFALO GRILL!!! PS: Cowchucker(§CØW§): my cousin never played my account XD Now we know that his cousin didn't hax him,good thing
  8. By the way,I still didn't get my own !chikennugget1 command D:
  9. A nazi? If I win I will let the first one who posts after me posting a pic^^
  10. Hundred 2 Won! (FINALLY XD) (sorry,was eating^^)
  11. Ultimate ultimate clue: Axon made the wrong choice
  12. Noooo!!! But is it so hard? It's in the first levels,floods aren't in first levels, it's something from Halo,not something outside,it's ugly and it's like a dwarf!!
  13. No :< Ok another ultimate clue,if you can't find I can't do anything for you. Dwarf and ugly.
  14. Nein,not a Hunter It's very very very easy, one clue: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
  15. You must give one answer,choose one^^ ELITE! Wrong
  16. You must give one answer,choose one^^
  17. Wrong answer It's something from Halo, very easy.
  18. That's Yoshi,in SSBB.
  19. It looks nice for the concept, but it's a bit empty,add more props and details.
  20. [Double post] Because of the end of the christmas event on the other servers, our event will end today in the evening! Hurry up to get your hats if you didn't buy em!
  21. I don't want to pay because 1)I don't have my own credit card, 2)I won't pay for a thing that should...no,MUST be free.This is lame that we must pay to get an IRC.
  22. Who said you can only record 30 seconds? Get rid of the demo,go to The pirate bay and search for fraps-full or something. You don't risk a lot of things, my fraps is a "pirate" one and it works perfect.
  23. Caca boudin poop wurst! >:D

  24. I must get an IRC client for Ipod, but they aren't free, except one but the last time I tried it it didn't seem to work
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