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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Why do the funny conversations always start so late? When I come (the few times I come) it's basically: Someone: !rtd Someone: !rtd Someone2: Fuk u glitcher Someone3: ofuk turret it killed meh Someone4:LOLOL Someone5:SHUTUP!!! But oh wait, that's on the #mrgreen general channel right? I'm pretty sure I don't see a lot of conversations during the day :/
  2. Yesterday I tried this, I went to the steamapps/username/teamfortress2/ and I clicked on the hl2 thingy and set the compatibility mode on Vista but I had an error message, I'll retry tomorrow and get that message.
  3. [Double post soz pls kthxbai ] Ok, I installed TF2 again, this time I deleted the TF2 folder in my hard disk but after installing/updating I still have very low framerate (and still the ugly models, because of something in the autoexec that alterated the models, that's for sure). Also I checked, it's the same problem in L4D but L4D2 is ok(but they both are based on the source engine, so that's weird that only one of them works correctly). Another thing, I've the impression gmod starts to be a victim too, I mean in Zombie Survival especially (singleplayer is ok and I tried to see on Noxious -shame on me - if I had low fps but I didn't have enough time to check that) the fps often go down between 45-20-25 which is quite annoying (but it's not as worst as TF2 though). On Steam Support's side, nothing, I'm still waiting but I think they won't answer me (and I didn't get any confirmation from the french Steam support, cause I told you I've asked them too). The suspects, for me, are: Graphic card failure(?)/pilot, Windows 7(but that would be strange because those who have W7 don't seem to bug), processor bug (strange too because my other games seem to work fine :/ ), Direct X(???) Also I've put Steam in compatilibity mode for Vista, it displayed a message that it's not recommended etc etc but that's still buggy in game. Only Steam Support can really help me now I think, unless I find the source of the problem before. :/
  4. Yeah I noticed too that it goes blurry (and on my screen I had the impression the game almost turned in black and white after doing ironsight, the colors weren't obvious as before, it turns darker or lighter (depending of the color of the prop). And I think,for the ammo crate, you should make a sort of weapon list, when you press E you have the choice like between 2 or 3 weapons of the same rank(pistols-smg-rifles-shottys) but sometimes you can't get a weapon because you need an amount of kills? (for example you have M3 super-M1014-HL2 shotty but you can't take the M1014 because you need,let's say, 45 kills?) I think that could be a good option so people must "work" to get their weapons. And by the way, what happened to Last man stand? As berserker I don't get my crowbar when I'm last human
  5. As I said I did roll back to an old driver but it didn't change anything :/ Then I don't know what to do, I can try a system restoration but I must be sure of what I'm doing and if it worth it. Steam Support is really annoying, not answering :s Steam support takes several days to answer. How many drivers have you tried? Only the latest driver (don't remember its name but if you look at the 9800's ones you will find it),and if that's not the latest one that's the older one (the default one). Also I saw something about DirectX 11 that it can create some incompatibility problem or something, and that DX10 works better for games which don't handle DX11. You don't have to worry about that; Both your graphics card and TF2 don't support DirectX 11. When I do Run> dxdiag it shows me I have DX11 o_o DXDIAG shows it for me aswell, but currently the only cards that are capable of running DirectX 11 are ATi' HD5000 series. NVIDIA's upcoming 300-series will most likely support DX11 too, but they don't have a release date yet. Sorry for being offtopic Nah it's ok The only thing I can do is waiting for Steam support then, but I feel they won't answer (Guild Wars support helps faster than them,Wooooo!^^) If that's not my card, not Windows 7, then mmm.... Virus? I scanned fastly my pc and no problems were detected, I'll do it again though cause I didn't finish the analysis (I use Bitdefender 2010)
  6. Then that's really weird, Left 4 dead bugs too but Left 4 Dead 2 don't seem to. Tf2 and Ep2 are based on source 2.0 so I guess that Portal will have the same problem. I need a solution, that's getting really annoying, anyways I'm going to reinstall TF2 cause my models are buggy, shiny and poor-textured(but details are on high,that's that autoexec file I deleted which do that).
  7. As I said I did roll back to an old driver but it didn't change anything :/ Then I don't know what to do, I can try a system restoration but I must be sure of what I'm doing and if it worth it. Steam Support is really annoying, not answering :s Steam support takes several days to answer. How many drivers have you tried? Only the latest driver (don't remember its name but if you look at the 9800's ones you will find it),and if that's not the latest one that's the older one (the default one). Also I saw something about DirectX 11 that it can create some incompatibility problem or something, and that DX10 works better for games which don't handle DX11. You don't have to worry about that; Both your graphics card and TF2 don't support DirectX 11. When I do Run> dxdiag it shows me I have DX11 o_o
  8. As I said I did roll back to an old driver but it didn't change anything :/ Then I don't know what to do, I can try a system restoration but I must be sure of what I'm doing and if it worth it. Steam Support is really annoying, not answering :s Steam support takes several days to answer. How many drivers have you tried? Only the latest driver (don't remember its name but if you look at the 9800's ones you will find it),and if that's not the latest one that's the older one (the default one). Also I saw something about DirectX 11 that it can create some incompatibility problem or something, and that DX10 works better for games which don't handle DX11.
  9. I risk to be the devil's lawyer by defending Aiur but some feeeeew times I see him playing, he is not as active as us but maybe if we tell him what we say about him etc...maybe he will change? Who knows...
  10. As I said I did roll back to an old driver but it didn't change anything :/ Then I don't know what to do, I can try a system restoration but I must be sure of what I'm doing and if it worth it. Steam Support is really annoying, not answering :s
  11. What would be cool is the old ZS, with the new ammo system (picking ammo in the crates) but old weapon system (4 kills= pistol etc). You remove the classes (maybe create 2 classes which can be specialized, Builder->Heal/Construct,Fighter=Rifleman/Berserker (and zerker can only use melee weps!) ) Put no-collisions, improve a bit the propkilling system and that can be funny :3 Bah, we can dream no?
  12. Damn,I activated SLI mode,still buggy. How do you launch in compatibility mode? Anyways I'll do that tomorrow I have to go :/
  13. Ok, I uninstalled the Nividia graphic card's driver but I saw I still had the problem on TF2 (and also on Left4Dead and Ep2,curiously,L4D2 don't seem to be a victim, and the old source games (hl2 dm etc) don't seem to be affected too) so I'm thinking that it's probably due to a Windows 7 update or something, and Steam Support didn't answer me yet (I asked them again but...) I'm actually reinstalling the latest drivers. I'm going to try that Game Booster thingy and I'll tell you the results but I think it will still bugs. Edit: When I launch it I have a message "List index out of bounds (17)" in a window, and I have the list of the "useless applications" but in the Status there are just "file not found" for all the useless apps -.- When I come back to normal mode and when I click on Game mode I only have 3 background apps I an close :/
  14. if he is on the IRC he doesn't really needs to be always in-game, just call him :/
  15. That looks nice but a bit empty though. Add a func_precipitation to add some snow, would be nice too
  16. +1 It isnt really a good start if your first post is a admin app. A good portion of the community needs to know you first. We've got atleast 5 admins. 1. ChickenNugget 2. Dusty 3. Me 4. Deluvas. 5. Chainsawman (not counting Aiur because I never see him, if someone does see him being active. then im wrong.) Why is everyone mistaking in my name? ^^ You forgot Error Also yes, posting an application as your first post is not really the good thing to do because ZS server is not the same as MTA (I'm going to generalize but most of the people from MTA post only an app as their first post) and we don't have problems, actually, the admin team is ok here. (edit,Ipod failed)
  17. Mmm,well, there is often at least one admin connected on the ZS server(sometimes when I play I see Dusty and Hundred so we are 3 at the moment^^) and we can handle problems directly from the IRC.Also I think we're enough, ain't we? Anyways, good luck, I see you playing sometimes.
  18. In eastern countries no?
  19. Even call of pripyat? Call of Du...Pripiat is available? I thought it wasn't released yet. I would like to buy one of those Steam Games but I don't know which one, also, until my dad goes back to Tunisia (yeah he is very annoying) I don't know if I can :< I don't want Stalker and I already have GTA4, any idea?Someone adviced me Braid.
  20. I got a nice Leather Jacket (70€, or 80,don't remember...),new shoes (70€) and Tekken 6 (60€), and maybe we can count Windows 7 I wanted to have for christmas but I got it last week,so...(and also 800 microsoft points I bought but I didn't know if I could offer it to someone,finally no so I'm going to add them for me)
  21. Ah cool thanks
  22. Nice guide, I just read the beginning cause I don't have the game, but it looks quite complete for beginners
  23. We must keep the topic up. If someone plays on the server, can he make some advertising for this topic?^^(I can't go on my pc :/ )
  24. I should make some advertising for the event on the server.
  25. Yo ho ho! As you know tomorrow this is christmas! For this special event, Mr.Green's Zombie Survival server becomes suddenly cold, a little icy wind whistles and bring a lot of new things for you players! And what a lot of presents there are! Yes yes yes! As for Halloween, we decided to add two new player models, the Grintch and the Santa (this one may change soon, it may not be the same as on the picture), your new deadly weapon: The Snowball, and 2 new exclusives hats! The snowball will be included as the other weapons, you have to pick it up on the ground (there will be more snowballs than guns, but yet the way to get it is not definitive and it may changes too, maybe all the players will get snowballs at start), it's not so powerful as a rifle but it's terribly fun to attack the zombies with it! The 2 new hats will be sold for 600 GC (not definitive too) and we plan to reduce the Santa's hat price to 600 GCs too for the event Also, this is not all! There are other surprises, a bunch of some new maps will be released too, and minor fixes and a selection menu, and maybe a new votemap system (needs confirmation though!) Enjoy, and Merry Zombie Christmas! The event will start tonight (may have some delay maybe, but short one) and will end probably around next wednesday! A few In-game screens:
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