Buy the book on the net?(amazon, ebay...) I had to buy a philosophy book (Platon, or Platoon, I don't know his name in english, the Greek philosopher ) and I found it on Amazon. If you can't find your book then blame your teacher, if it's a school book (a manual I mean) then he has(or your school has) to buy it for the pupils. I don't know how it works in Russia but here when we start the school year we all go to a room and take our grade's books, we have each book in an order and we go and take them, they have a small security system (a bar code, in case you lose it), we pay 150€ by check(I don't know the name but that's a paper where you write the money amount, etc...), no, we don't really pay, that's a "caution", it means that if you do big damages on your book, don't give it back, they take the money. We don't buy the books themselves but it's more the guarantee of keeping them.