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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. As you can see there is already an artist corner This is forum is not inactive, it's just that there are not so much people here. I will show you what an "active" forum looks like when it's too much active.Would you like to have 200 topics every 1/2 hour? Every 5 minutes?! That's insane. I'll give you the link later on. @ Rachel > Well, without any maschism, I think that this forum is mainly designed for the games (because of the servers of course) and video games are played by men/boys most of the time, and since most of us are men we don't really have "girls" topic. The only girls I know in this community are you, Catbread and Linkii(I don't really know her, or him because some people said that wasn't a girl or something, I just heard about that person).
  2. My drawings suck monkey balls, especially with a mouse, if I draw with it it's just trembling and stuff...
  3. Episode 2 too!
  4. Submitted you my favourite maps, I'll find other maps, but yeah, there are a few which get out from the basic house map, really awesome to play on those.
  5. Mmm well to answer to that topic I think there are some topics which are "cloned" (I won't quote any names, and no offence by the way but that's why I think), like the musics one etc, they are very similar-if it's not identical in the goal..- also some of the spam topics are spam topics but they can be fun (1 to 1000 maybe, picture battle...). Concerning shoutbox...Well there are not a lot of things to complain about, the spam time was some months ago then it became relatively calm^^
  6. Names: - KannonWall -Jumping Warfare -Rumble Bumple ( :noel: )
  7. Noo!Clavus and Sneed fell into the spam side! But seriously, I'm sure there is another topic! > And :noel: :3
  8. For a second I thought that there were new admins XD I didn't watch the 1st today's post on this topic but I think that has something to do with JapanGord Edit: Happy 1st admin birthday^^
  9. This topic has already been made I think.
  10. Zombie Survival server needs moar maps!
  11. Halo is the best game ever.
  12. I have another Idea! Suicide Box •There was a mod for Half life², I don't remember its name (But I think that was Impossible Suicide or something like that), where there were 2 teams, plants and humans. There was only one map, a square, full of plants (destructibles!) and the Plants Team was just like the plant props, they had the same model etc... The goal was to approach near a human and click to suicide so it would destroy yourself and kill your enemy.The Humans had to kill the plants before they reach them. •So basically it can be the same thing for Gmod: • Two teams: -Boxes: You have to kill the hunters, come close to a human and left click to explode, it kills the nearest human! -Hunters: Protect yourself against the Boxes, you have a baseball bat to find where the Boxes are, so you can crush the box props and maybe find a living Box.You also have a Stun gun, it stuns the Boxes for a few seconds (5 seconds cooldown for this weapon)so you can reach them and kill them, no effect on the prop boxes of course. -So basically, the map would be full of boxes, it can be any sort of map, a warehouse, a square etc... You just need to have a lot of boxes in it, props. Each player from the Boxes Team has a box model instead of the gmod model you have (you know, player model...) and Hunters have some few models (maybe some combines?). -There are 2 rounds, each with a 4-5 minutes duration (maybe less...), if there is a draw at the end of he 2 rounds then a third round starts and the team who wins this round win the match. -Regularly some power-ups appear on the map, they are for the Hunters or for the Boxes, which means that if you are a Hunter you can't pick up the Box's power-ups and vice-versa. Power-ups are for example: • Hunters -Stun gun has a reduced cooldown (2 seconds instead of 5?), lasts 15 seconds (?) -Big Health: You don't die in one explosion (if a box explodes you don't die immediatly, you have a few hp left so the box have to explode a second time to kill you). Lasts 20 seconds if you are not touched by any explosion(after that delay you get your previous hp) -6th sense: If a box is right behind you your 6th sense warns you (maybe some beep sound?)Lasts 15 seconds. -... •Boxes -Bigger range: The next time you'll explode, the explosion range is bigger than normally.(lasts 30 seconds or until you explode). -Speed-up!: For 10 seconds your speed is increased, if you die the effect ends. -Energy Immunity: For 10 seconds you can't be stunned when a Hunter shoots with his Stun Gun. -Invisible Box: When you stop moving you become invisible, when you move you become visible, then invisible if you stop moving etc...(like the Wraith in Zombie Survival), lasts 20 seconds. I think that could be a great game, it just needs a few nice maps, with various designs (not only squares one, but maybe play with the verticality etc..?)
  13. Good luck Clavus, also I just thought about this: •••City builder gamemode••• - Two teams: Builders and Externalities. •Builders have a limited time to build a city, they have a menu where they choose which building they can put, at which price etc... A building gives a certain amount of points. There are different constructions: -Home/House/Flat...:Attract people and allow them to live in your city. -Work Zones: Your inhabitants work, that gives you money you can spend into buildings. -Commercial zones: Trade money or ressources(?) with other players. •Externalities: Their role is to be noxious for your economy, or not! They have to choose which externality they want to be, good or bad one? -Bad: -Natural Catastrophes (Hurricanes, Earthquakes...) -Economic crisis (Price of habitations increases so inhabitants leave your city for example) -Your inhabitants are unhappy so they uprise! -A city decides to block his trades with yours. -Add more ideas here... •Good externalities: -You earn money because your inhabitants are happy. -Taxes give you more money. -More inhabitants! -Another city (NPC controlled?) opened a trading way and lowered his prices... -Add ideas... Well it would be a complexe gamemode but that's an idea which is not exploited at all in Gmod. Also the game would essentially be played with menus (to manage money, buildings etc) due to source engine not good at putting a lot of elements. Feel free to simplify this
  14. Don't worry, 1 BSOD can happen, no problem. Right, but I'm quite suspicious because my pc seems to like having problems
  15. Ah well, sorry for bumping this topic but I just got that BSOD screen, I played some Gmod, I left then I clicked on Start>turn off and as soon as I clicked I got the blue screen.It's the first time I get this problem, and I hope it's the last. What can be the problem? I have 4GB ram, vista x64, I never got that before and my pc ran normally today :s
  16. Urrr, I'm not sure to understand that anthrax thing
  17. And the problem is ? I dont get it , why you mind about this. Never bought something. The "problem" is that it looks kinda weird to make a lot of topics-similars- in a very small time. He didn't do it though, but that makes 2 topics created almost at same moment, this one and the one about games, but it looked weird, like some spam (no offence, that's just what I felt) It's a funny forum , all is spam , spam is everywere, i am spam , you are spam , all the word is spam. Well "osef" it's just a forum , if a topic is too spammy it will be deleted, let people waste time as they want on it. Yeah sure, but I just think it's weird to make other topics in the same style in a short time separation. Also it takes place on the Recent topics, but I'm "chippoting" (yes new word, mix between english and french^^I mean it's not a big problem)
  18. What about making a christmas tree with props (a big tree!)?
  19. And the problem is ? I dont get it , why you mind about this. Never bought something. The "problem" is that it looks kinda weird to make a lot of topics-similars- in a very small time. He didn't do it though, but that makes 2 topics created almost at same moment, this one and the one about games, but it looked weird, like some spam (no offence, that's just what I felt)
  20. Are you going to make a lot of "What is the first...you got?" topics?^^ Anyways mmm, I think it's Offsprings or Linkin Park, don't remember.
  21. L4D2(and MW2 before)
  22. +1 for Super Heavy Kart, or the 2012 thing which is quite into actuality for a few weeks
  23. Hasn't this been done yet? I vaguely recall seeing a Pulp Fiction scene made in GMod. EDIT: Here we go. It has been done yeah.I remember my Clockwerk Orange pic Dx
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