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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by oDi_W

  1. what in the name of grammar is he saying?
  2. Go for linksys but change the SSID or make a custom password. because trough the SSID the factory password can be found. i know this for a fact because i have that batch file that does that
  3. i like that but, we could make our own vehicles and race with them instead!
  4. Do this in Regedit. it fixed my connection problems ( as shown @ my Profile page) In red edit go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ Now you want to go and seek for: "DhcpDefaultGateway" with as value: [Your IP adress] While in that directory create two DWORD keys (32 bit) one named: "TCPNoDelay" and one named: "TcpAckFrequency" ( Exactly like that(but without the " of course)) Now set both values as "1" (Hexadecimal) now you will something like this: Close regedit and reboot. check your speed @ Speedtest.net and Pingtest.net enjoy your results. Edit: Source: http://lifeandcode.net/2009/05/reduce-game-network-latency-in-windows-7-or-vista/
  5. That first pic and last pic includes me.
  6. Radioz0rz HP:80 Description:a Zombie that is highly radio active and shoots radio active projectiles that wil lower down any health from a survivor to 1 and also will attract any near zombies when shooting. and if he touches common infected, the touched zombie will become a Radioz0rz. but first seeks a dark spot to "change". Upon Death: leaves a highly radio active area for 3 minutes. Pros: Fast moving, will make common infected zombies radio active. Cons: Low health, easy to kill when you have the change to hit him.
  7. ass not set their stanus

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