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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by shortcat

  1. 1 minute ago, ChickenAttack said:

    25 for real? Where did you read that? I thought only old film movies ran at 24fps, and that 25fps when you run intel hd graphics xd

    30 actually. 25 is a bug in the PC port (according to Silent who fixed it in his patch). The game has a frame limiter option and it limits the FPS to 25. Original PS2 version runs at 30 or 25 depending on the region too. Above that and all kind of bugs start to appear.

    Unfortunately even new movies are 24 fps because movie nerds are retrogrades and even TV shows moved from 50/60 fps to 24 🤪

  2. We are casual server so... Why even limit to 100? There's 240+ hz displays now. Let the player decide but make the default setting 60 or 50. That is if the traction advantage isn't too big which is what people saying, although I'm not sure if that's the case. Was there a test of some kind?

    Btw to get refresh rate that isn't 60 hz in fullscreen mode you can use an ancient program called RefreshLock.

    Edit: ah, 100 is maximum MTA allows. Then 100 it is. Maybe they have a good reason to limit it to this number.

  3. shortcat

    map: Never The Same by BinSlayer

    Actually, I met a gorgeous track today which is also very good for competitive tournament and changed my mind. It's

    map: azimli sıçan duvarı deler

  4. Many of you know the annoying bug when using some sexy girl skin in the car her boobs become distorted.

    There's a fix for this but it doesn't work on the server, it looks like it reverts to default game files.

    Could something be done about this? Like add the fix to the server or allow modification of animation files.

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