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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Flo

  1. ok handsome guy
  2. Ok , i thought u can cause of thjis .
  3. Why u dont close it ? and only comment ?
  4. Close this man. @Bierbuikje @Maher @Cena aNYone
  5. Close post Ty.
  6. I get the point adele , i understand that theres more important things but , i repeat...seconds... Did they work all those 26 on that important stuff? When Alekscore accepted my last pull , he dont last more than 2 mins...
  7. Are u saying , that they dont spend those few seconds to add the horns , cause they work on another stuff ? Lmao ''seconds'' .... Its not a BIG UPDATE...The tittle may suits them...If they dont have time...at least answer me...I send PM at 3 of them , anyone answer...Lets finish this...may i end up banned cause im annoying.. Adele bitch
  8. I dont want to them to be accepted tight away... I ask them nicely , ''when u can'' , but seems like they cant never...Dont be mad with me , but if i dont insist they will last a lot...Look the first pull request..22 days...As i say and reapeat...its thing of seconds... U can accept it now , and add it on game , when they join....
  9. I added the horns u suggest on the horn list wtf...
  10. Shut up admin better than stig
  11. Really dont have 2 mins in 2 days.. If im not annoyig the horns wont be added...lookk the last one 22 days...
  12. https://github.com/JarnoVgr/Mr.Green-MTA-Resources/pull/373 Can anyone accept it ?? I message every manager , and they dont answer...As i know its thing of seconds to accept it... Ill post it here,,,since on discord, anyone answer me
  13. 100% TURK
  14. I like the 2nd one... mmmm akcent no ?
  15. mmm...they will ban me if i try something..
  16. +1 , U WILL BE BETTER THAN STIG. Stig now is too old , maybe he forget things with the age. , we need young admins.
  18. Its nice how the keep abusing , Im not alloweed to write wwith caps , but the admin is allowed no ? Very nice.As i say , im involved too on this post..i could make another post ,to explain my part , but i can explain it here , cause its about the same man ''Stig ''' the old admin.
  19. Dont say a shit , maybe u provoke them and ban..
  20. The thing is Stig dont even see that , as he told me ç What kind of reasoning use u guys ? Who is the lier ? Who lie ? Did he see that cideo or not ? Whats the truth ??? I keep that u cant ban someone ingame for what u done on forum , u can ban him , when u do something very hard , but this isnt the case NOT EVEN CLOSE. About Noam ., ive been AFK 70 hrs , and anyone told me to go out , or kick me , why he should be banned ??? Other people stay afk more than him to farm GCs , ill but some examples , im not against these guys but are the first who i rememberrd , BYEBYE , and QKREW , i see them being afk every day 10 hs , and nothing happend.. About the thing of Git , i just post once ''Denied'' , i appologize to the person on the forum says its a joke '' , and the other person make a ''Toxic'' Joke for me , nothing to see with mine. Not really nice joke , and i dont complaint anything , i juust dont answer him , cause i thought he is an idiot..
  21. @Noam U cant do anything men , anything what u would says , will be decliend by the other staff memberrs,,,because the give stig the reason , cause is a old admin , look at this. They ban me because i post on the forum this clip as a funny thing for me .'' youtube.com/watch?v=TqBo58-QAR0 '' , and because as berb says on the admin chat , Im annoying on GITHUB trying to add peoples horn , its seems , its too difficult and hard , to click and accept it , it will takes few seconds , but for these guys is too annoying to do it. So sorry @RenoPopper If i try to add another one , maybe bierb ban me permanently ...im to annoying man :S Now i start to understand why @Goldberg may kick him from KoM., thats all i want to say. At leaste @Stig if u would have had balls , u would have man be personally , not telling maher to do it. This is why people want to be admin here , I lost t he numbers of , how many people provoke me , and i didnt do a shit , u know about who im talking. Admin powers guys...Lick their ass or maybe u will be banned :S , PS: not all are like this , but 60 % there are. As i say we cant complaint anything , because , anything what we would say ,will be a lie , or declined by the staff , cya
  22. 2
  23. this is better Fuck this pussy boy.mp3
  24. Lier , 5 months blocker.
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