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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Flo

  1. Official Draw Table for the CW.
  2. My favorite turk
  3. Ma ppl make me manager for horna at 500 GC
  4. Clans were renewed for 2500 GCs for 30 days. Now 2500 GCs for 20 days. This clan change its useless , whats the point to change the 30 days to 20 ? Make ppl spend more GC? In my opinion completly useless. Horns were 1500 GCs per horn. Now it is 2000 GCs per horn. I would understand this change if it was to make it chepear cause the ppl dont buy them, buy since the ppl buy them , why u make it more expensive , whats the pont here ? No sense again. Skins were 3000 GCs per skin. Now it is 1500 GCs per skin. Even if u make it to 500 GC ppl still dont want to buy them , cause its useless inside the gameplay , it is only visible on Bikes . For me this is a stupid way to spend GC. Buying map cost 1000 GCs. It is still 1000 GCs. Buying a map if you won the previous game. It used to go down to 350 GCs. Now it is 750 GCs U made this change cause most of the ppl buy SH , buy there are ppl who buy DD also or NTS..idk.. Mrgreen its GOOLD DIGGER This is my opinion.
  5. Ofc its because they were 5 vs 2 , and the second fighyt , 5 vs 5 xD
  6. Team Yoshi , Ultimates is gonna fuck u up #LONGDICKSTYLE
  7. RIP TEAM YOSHI... #LongDickStyle
  8. @Stig looneys waiting for u
  9. Flo


  10. Its on Sunday JEsus , UCL its saturday. BTW U can use this page to choose the random fights. https://www.miniwebtool.com/random-name-picker/
  11. U should prepare the confrontations now. With a random page or something.
  12. GMT
  13. Flo Best map ever RTF : A GREAT AVENTURE.
  14. What about a fornite tournament. I can make a private match , only Mrgreen Members. Its a FREE GAME @Cena
  15. Why should he quit that , cause ome ppl , dont know how to play..Thats its a disadvantage for the oens who know and advantage for those who dont.. Your suggest make no sense...
  16. Pierdole. 4
  17. Dupa lipa mai lovee 5
  18. 5,2
  19. Flo


    @Cena aaaand u are so strong and understandable , did i say handsome ?
  20. Free Steam Darkness II https://www.humblebundle.com/store/the-darkness-ii
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