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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mafiaa

  1. good luck sky
  2. noo
  3. its me mafiaa
  4. These words translation not in google i thnk they use local language to abuse people if u wanna lock this ok np
  5. Nts mafiaa world
  6. Any turkish mod or admin can translate it
  7. Please do something with this guy he is alwys insult in turkish language
  8. Nts mafia world
  9. Best of luck vote +1
  10. mafiaa

    racist player

    Sometimes maina also lagging
  11. If manager again start fire transfer in mix server it will be more fun
  12. Bye White power
  13. Reese u such a kid
  14. Noob reese mix server dont need you asshole
  15. Good luck
  16. Never u r racist
  17. mafiaa

    Reese abusing

    Reese is racist he always use this words pls admin do something with this guy mute or ban for some days
  18. mafiaa

    Mix Event

    DD death island
  19. RDX  = #mafiaa

  20. I said to ctf map not you where is your name !!!
  21. But i m not say to you where is your name i m saying to fucking ctf
  22. mafiaa

    Show your car

    Old is gold
  23. mafiaa

    Show your car

    In india too many forunters
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