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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Piru

  1. Piru


    Will get it if i find the money for it somewhere The character and weapon customization is looking great and ontop of that theres the parkour moving system so win
  2. Might come play again after 1.6 so what are the rules regarding the faction wars etc. and whats the ip again ?
  3. Mozilla on laptop Chrome on desktop, Chrome is confusing at times D:
  4. Piru

    World of Tanks

    Finland, woo
  5. Piru

    World of Tanks

    Yea, company is for non-premium too. Oh. Anyway im in
  6. Piru

    World of Tanks

    Yeah I got to the kingtiger in the beta and now doing the russian tree because russians are so damn op in it atm. You dont need premium to win but without it maintaining tier 7-10 tanks is pretty much impossible without lower tier tanks to farm money with. You need to pay for premium to play with a platoon btw
  7. Bucket Bay is best Bay
  8. anyone built a drydock/shipyard yet?
  9. well mines PiPiruPii
  10. + CarPileUp, Hero & me I also have it ! i have it too
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWPk5zlKAEM
  12. :V epic theme song
  13. 7/10
  14. I remember that album. And you're right. Absolutely brilliant
  15. Got it, played it and to be perfectly honest its great!
  16. its hilarious when you take a patriot or some other big car that can fit 4+ people, fill it with people and then use the swing of doom either one of 2 things are bound to happen, either your car gets crumpled into a clown car or you fly off in some random direction, sometimes on the other side of the town (especially fun if police after you etc. and you manage to also land right way up)
  17. why does that mountain on the right look like a old guys face
  18. oh god you made me remember that, damn you 10/10
  19. Piru was taken too :C people just cant seem to understand PiPiruPii is long from Piru not Pip, oh well hope we get something like that epic arena thing in the l4g server once it goes up again
  20. completely normal
  21. 9/10
  22. The system is actually quite simple, yet awesome. Read about it here. have the game just telling you what it feels like maybe theres no butt or maybe a wooden stock etc. but imo theres the 3 types with diff stats
  23. its not really a bazillion guns its more like 3 types of every weapon style (sniper, rifle, shotgun) with different stats
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