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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by pointpoint

  1. Good luck guy powhaxxx
  2. Congratz Raty
  3. Cool +1 for chickette
  4. Wut great attention frenchie HAFFY BURFDAY ERRY
  6. Fuckin' deconnection cause my ping is over 250 in ZS Apocalypse. It between 260/290 and I would that auto kick upgrade to 250 at 300 , or just for me ( In other server , my ping was correct (30/60)).
  7. LoL Retard , your second videos was a round between 2 french team
  8. good luck
  9. good luck frenchi ( nuggy était un admin xD )
  10. Wut Lemy , Nice work
  11. Why Yoshit ?
  12. +1 2/3 hours is good , and yr intentions was clear , that's good
  13. +1 for Balmy
  14. What the fuck here ??? Admin ABROOSE ?...again ?? xD I'm joking of course , I think admins was elected for good reasons , and their nomination by Ywa and Clavy was just and fair-play. They take the time to knowing admin and their motivations , the time passed on the game(s) and forum. Look that , Admins came from many country and it's a good point for me cause I'm french , and as you see my message , I'm not strong in english ^^ .Nuggy is French and help me sometimes , Chainsaw is German (poor guy =P ) and he's great , nuggy too , all of them ( haxmin of course ^^ (no no I don't suck , it's true )). I said just this selected Admins was Good , fair play , and he help or slap when it's necessary. P.S: Yr message is good , and you has good ideas , good luck for the rest .And , I hope you understand my semi "language" :3 P.S 2: Peony , I like your GIF xD
  15. YOSHIIIIIIIIIIIII Give me the pink girl mail now Really good female ....ahum...women xD @ni plox : héhé touffu =P
  16. Hum...1st , good luck ^^ 2nd , I don't know you , I can't speak , and I've rarely see you in the game ( it's true , I haven't time to play in this moment :/ ) but , I think , admin was too nombrous for the moment and you arrive in the game ( 135 hours = small time ingame ). Voili voilou , It's just my opinion , don't rage for that oki ? xD And re good luck Pointpoint
  17. I know Damien now , and I say : it's a great gamer , fair play , honorable , friendly , bla bla bla ... Well , I think he became a good admin , and not an haxmin
  18. I'm agree , Corby was an good people , he's fair play , and he use of his powers with ...hum...parsimonie in french ( that not a pokémon xD ) . And , the more important , DON'T ABROOSE ! +1 from Pointpoint
  19. Wuttt!!! Crowby is an actor , a famous actor...and so rich x3
  20. Nicy cake Mayco
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