1.Your ingame name : Minowux
2.The player's name who you are reporting : AV.MoXddeR
3.Which server are you requesting this : Mr.Green MTA Race Server
4.The reason why this player should get banned : 31.05.2020 around 19:10 CET i joined race server and said hi siema polish gang and this guy said "ananı sikerim to you" for absolutely no reason right away and i dont even know him.Ananı sikerim means fuck your mother in Turkish probably even jack knows this or any Turkish admin(someone you can trust more) can translate for you guys.
Here is the photo and chatlog in discord, you can search in discord mta-race-channel and see its not edited or something, btw i couldnt find spoiler to minimize chatlog.
NGR|Minowux has joined
kdejsme187 has left [Quit]
NET//Mateoryt: kash budzimy sie
NET//Mateoryt: konfidencie
[NKC]Pepsi: cebulka wstawaj
Bringbugün saat 20:07
Mr. GreenBOTbugün saat 20:07
* > There are 31 players ingame: -]alw[-SuperCharles55(), NIGHTF44L(), -]alw[-MoshPit(), TicimitsS$u(), KashSausageWedlinka(), TH3Uzin(), BigsTroller, PassatˍTDI, gromghost(), KnaSKY, LeonˍKennadi, GrievingBuffet79, H@rD$tYleRZ!, Tomeso, JKY, Mabbyn, DeliciousTurban80, Galoakd, ∼>Brenda, Rank, NET//Mateoryt, |CrF|suckarr, LokiScraZy, [NKC]Pepsi, AV.MoXddeR, ImcarryLFS, alon3<∼, V4POR, -]alw[-Weed, |CrF|BATON, NGR|Minowux
ImcarryLFS is now known as #FFFFFF
ImcarryLFS is now known as 11
Map 'Cutting Teeth' started
ImcarryLFS is now known as jp2gmd
AV.MoXddeR: [6ix]Sentinel: ty kurwa smietana push z pizdy
[NKC]Pepsi: LFS'AkaaN: im carry lfs? yes
DashingSky55 has joined
DashingSky55 is now known as MR.Jo
MR.Jo has left [Quit]
NGR|Minowux: hii
MR.Jo has joined
NGR|Minowux: siema polish gang
MR.Jo: hi
AV.MoXddeR: anani sikerim to you
|CrF|BATON finished as 1st
[NKC]Pepsi finished as 2nd