I'm very sorry but are u expecting that to work? When the server had the rating system 0-10, if u rated 0 u had to explain why. In that days, i just typed, "'cause it sucks", "its boring", things like this, that don't help in anything. Probably, as Yoshi sad, a small percentage of people will give an acurate answer, but, who the fuck is gonna read then? And mainly, who the fuck will care about that? Its impossible to have +1000 maps, that everyone likes. Everyone loves Digital Desert, Waka-Waka, and i fucking hate then (their probably the maps with the most likes, last time i played Digital Desert it had almost 50 likes). Terminator, just one thing. Bin said that they test the maps before uploading then, so, a 10h map its impossible to be uploaded. (and u wouldn't have the patience to make it ^^)