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Mr. Green Gaming


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About weet

  • Birthday 09/06/1993

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    Coimbra, Portugal

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  1. I'm very sorry but are u expecting that to work? When the server had the rating system 0-10, if u rated 0 u had to explain why. In that days, i just typed, "'cause it sucks", "its boring", things like this, that don't help in anything. Probably, as Yoshi sad, a small percentage of people will give an acurate answer, but, who the fuck is gonna read then? And mainly, who the fuck will care about that? Its impossible to have +1000 maps, that everyone likes. Everyone loves Digital Desert, Waka-Waka, and i fucking hate then (their probably the maps with the most likes, last time i played Digital Desert it had almost 50 likes). Terminator, just one thing. Bin said that they test the maps before uploading then, so, a 10h map its impossible to be uploaded. (and u wouldn't have the patience to make it ^^)
  2. Its still on 'cause its better than the 0-10 rating, and also, its better having this, than nothing. I think its cool this way, its simple. Bin, there will always be complains about something, people are never happy with nothing. They want everything perfect. Ignore the damn rating system, and enjoy the fucking maps
  3. 500.000.000 + views any one wanna guess who am i? BABY BABY BABY, OHHHHHH, BABYYY!
  4. Negative, female driver scared the shit out of me and i crashed into a fucking tree!
  5. Can I borrow it? No can do, sorry but i crashed it
  6. I needed something to go home, so, i bought this: http://0.tqn.com/d/exoticcars/1/0/v/D/-/-/BugattiVeyronSS_front.jpg
  7. 1. Real name and age? Gabriel, 17 2. Where do you live? Coimbra, Portugal (go search it on google earth, its a really nice city ) 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? Not much ... this is the first community that i really like 4. What do you do for a living? I'm in highscholl, studing programming, and other stuff, related to PC's, networks, etc... 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? answered above 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? funny, stupid, and preatty ^^ 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? One day, i'll have an Alfa Romeo 33
  8. If u guys had fixed that earlier i would had a top time in that map, i demand gc's for moral damage!
  9. weet

    weet's maps

    Hey guys New roller coaster map race-venon_coaster.zip
  10. Why don't we go to the "Maps which should be fixed" and select a few ones?
  11. sorry, my english ain't very good -.- what i was trying to say is that, since we are all friends most of us won't mind to skip some boring themes, that's basically it
  12. I had a lot of thinking today, about the mapping contest, and i reached i conclusion. Everyone that usually participates is these rounds know each other, we are all friends (well, at least we don't hate eachother, i guess) so, why don't we skip boring rounds? Just a few people like, and i'm gonna take this round's example, flying maps, and even the pros sometims dislike them the purpose of this contest is to bring more fun to the server, and more will do the map makers to do something new. Ok, i see the point of this boring rounds, we need to alternate between varius tipes of maps, but, lets do a bit of cheating and skip them, who cares if we skip a flying, or a boat map, for example?
  13. good luck mate
  14. and map makers repress their criativity because of some dude doens't have a good connection? that's like saying that gta iv should have bad graphics, just so that you could play it, and think for one second, its very, very rare that you have to donwload >15 mbs maps, you just got "lucky"
  15. You need to taste what is bad to know what tastes good
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