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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    Are you serious?
  2. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    As I have stated on the server as well - you have to accept the fact that you can't play all games on your computer. You don't expect to play GTA V on a 5-year old PC. Or compete on multiplayer games that make you lag like hell, and then expect everybody else to lower their gameplay. That's my opinion on it - everything can't be fair. Same goes to the ping - usually people with a ping higher than 200 or smth will lag, I will kick them. They're all over the place and you never know when their spike might randomly hit you, I can't have threats like that on the server. That's also why I kick 10FPS players and such. I have said this earlier (and I think SDK or somebody else did as well) - dinghies don't work ever since the previous patch. The only way they slide is with like.. FPS at 20-30 or something, so even if we have it at 45, it won't matter.
  3. And please stop posting that big-ass image. I know you're probably young and wildin' but this is not okay.
  4. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    I understand the constructive feedback. However I can't see how the limit would make anything worse. It'll just be better for the people who can afford it and the same for the people who can't. What Moshpit was saying though, was that people with better PCs own the toptimes anyway. I found that a ridiculous statement. If the limit was 45 for everybody, how could a faster PC possibly give any sort of advantage. Plus, I own several top times and I'm sure most of our regulars have a better PC than I do. So don't come busting my balls just because your homie doesn't understand the concept of skill. // Oh and the fact that dinghies don't slide has nothing to do with our server, Taint. Grow up for christ's sake..
  5. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    I feel sorry for your parents.. unless you're actually being sarcastic That what i love about greens server, friendly and helpfull admins:) What did I have to help you with? You were just blabbering gibberish and I pointed it out, even stated that I might have been wrong if you were being sarcastic. Confused...
  6. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    Im whining and i bet i have one the best PC's here.... as mosh said in his post... I think it sums it up nicely.. Well then accept your faith and play with the FPS that the Lord has given you. Amen! I feel sorry for your parents.. unless you're actually being sarcastic.
  7. No
  8. Ruff

    FPS Limit

    Basically anyone who whines over the new limit is a butthurt little faggot who can't afford a decent PC. If you can't reach 60, deal with it. If you can't reach 20, I'll kick you. If you have a ping over 350 you get kicked.. the world ain't fair, eh
  9. All the songs now on YouTube in a playlist as well!
  10. Hey nice man, Youre the rapper or did you make the beat? Both. Sample is this though:
  11. Thanks, working hard
  12. RELEASED MY FIRST SOLO ALBUM FOR FREE! SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/simonacexxx/sets/oberon BANDCAMP: http://simonacexxx.bandcamp.com/album/oberon
  13. I suggest using an abstract pattern for the best effect. This means it will fit no matter what the vehicle is. Adding logos/images of certain things will just fail your expectations. For example, this is what I'm using:
  14. I would love to smack you to infinity and beyond.. has your species not evolved yet?
  15. Vehicles I found that it doesn't work with: NRG-500 BMX Jetmax Bandito (then again, Bandito has no colors anyway) RC Bandit
  16. Hehe. Sampled it though
  17. NEW Song released today! Simon Ace - Desert https://soundcloud.com/simonacexxx/simon-ace-desert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUkoLp3Rku0 Album hopefully out next week!
  18. Plus it's annoying as fuck. You need to get past the newbies and noobs anyway, that's a huge part of the race and it's quite difficult to manouver through all those people. Now add the fire transfer and everything gets fucked up on a whole 'nother level.
  19. Haha good job. Thanks a lot everybody!
  20. Just released my newest song - the third single from my upcoming free album "Oberon". Enjoy!
  21. Then the server would just be full of everyone blowing each other up 24/7. Fun, eh?
  22. Because MTA is meant for fun and life's a biatch.
  23. This can be countered by forcing people to spawn at the first spawn position after coming out of spectator.
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