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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. People getting no warnings for offtopic, nor having their posts deleted. This community has come to a halt with the administratorship, obviously.
  2. I am not an English professor, nor is English my second language so I use the words loosely based on my personal opinion and experience. But after a bit of googling, it appears that both verbs ('cussing' and 'cursing') stand equal.
  3. Post of the year 2012
  4. Even though this might not be related.. you curse a lot. That's not really a good start. Pay your respects or receive no help.
  5. Quote of the year award. Please!
  6. 16.. not old enough for sex..
  7. That must be the most ignorant comment of the year. Humankind never ceases to amaze me.
  8. Ruff

    Day Z

    Well, even though, my point is that you're too much into it. This isn't real life, it's a game. I know it can take hours to find vehicles and whatnot but playing video games should be fun, not taking part of a new virtual world.. that's drifting away from reality. Don't fall into that pit!
  9. Ruff

    Day Z

    Wow Reaper's really into it. Do you really think people are stalking this forum, watching the YouTube video and then be like "o shi, I should totally rape their base"? Only psychos.. and them, you can't avoid anyway
  10. Ruff

    Day Z

    I think I need not use any words to explain this.
  11. Ruff

    Day Z

    Got an AKM in my hands right now. Found an M16A2 in a deerstand (prolly giving away to a friend). Also found a G17 in a barn. Geared up. Pretty good for 4 days of DayZ.
  12. Ruff

    Day Z

    Welp.. that session got fucked up :')
  13. Ruff

    Day Z

    Come to NL 13 But don't you guys use TeamSpeak or Skype or something? You can't all be typing..
  14. Ruff

    Day Z

    As soon as I buy the game.. nobody wants to play? What is this?!
  15. Ruff

    Day Z

    Okay guys I'm playing. Got a Lee Enfield with 2 mags and some other stuff. EPIC GAME! Anybody want to help me loot or some shit?
  16. Ruff

    Day Z

    "Transaction has been complete."
  17. Ruff

    Day Z

  18. Ruff

    Day Z

    Downloading ArmA 2 as we speak, testing it out and if I can play with at least 40 FPS on the maximum settings that I can achieve (probably low), then I will buy this thing. It's already horrifying to think about the hours I've spent watching other people play this. I WANT!
  19. Ruff

    Day Z

    ◘ Processor Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E8400 [@3.00 GhZ] ◘ RAM 4GB ◘ HDD 1TB + HDD 230GB 7200 RPM ◘ Gigabyte HD 3850 (256MB) ◘ Windows 7 64-bit Alright smartypanties, someone give me an honest answer whether I should buy the game or keep watching those YouTube videos.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qohGAQZpsfM
  21. Interested in this as well
  22. I kicked and muted and b& the man for this but after receiving an anonymous complaint about me abusing my admin powers.. I stopped. So have fun with the results
  23. Ruff

    Day Z

    Anybody want to buy me a new rig? I can pay for ArmA myself now
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