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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by nevernotatall

  1. Hahahaha Thankssss
  2. Gameserver: Mix Age: 16 Country of origin: Turkey Link to Steam Community profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198429203166/ Discord name **: Ulaş! Ingame name: VenomouS Little something about yourself and why you think you're fit to be admin: Firstly hi, my name is Ulaş.İ'm leaving in Turkey İ'm Student now. I'm playing in this server around 3 years İ Love Mr.Green gaming i'd like to be admin because; Ywa was leave from server,Cena is like founder now,and when Hitman and me playing on server at noons (we ussually play at noons and mornings) much blockers,insulters,campers and we can't do anything about it İt's all.
  3. Joke Good Luck!..
  4. made ur day good xd
  5. Good Luck But One Problem Age:9 Only Joke Love U xD
  6. Never not at all
  7. Thanks for server,u'll be in our hearts
  8. Race:promap Mix:Shade of madness (sh)
  9. VenomouS
  10. if i need help i need to do on feedback & help
  11. where i need to do
  12. Fix the No Names Bug on Clan members. Thank You.
  13. nevernotatall


    Hi Again. my topic is stupid bond he can speak with his friend hitman He can insult in their languages to we when i said ur mother 1 HOURS mute i don't deserve it BOND İS FALSE MODERATOR!
  14. Dub Saying it : Cena Said Ban Him To me ? and it's not advantage i played 30 mins only if it deserve ban u need warn me first 1-2 times As a student ; İ have only weekends for play computer but 3 days ban
  15. Fırst,hi İ got ban yesterday from Dubby. Ban Reason Same acc's İt is not advantage for me İt is so ridicilious ban Please Get Unban İ love dubby too #VenomouS
  16. Good Luck Kebab Lover
  17. İt was good but need Final Maps
  18. mücahit haven'T got team :sad:
  19. i will already^^
  20. İt's Okay for me but,my players are working ^^ Maybe it's not early for they
  21. Not Genesis Win:Leriat Win XD
  22. Reason?
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