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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by nevernotatall

  1. you are russian? xD Nevermind in case he is racist he deserves mute but I think he plays rarely,its hard to catch him
  2. shadow one of best mappers (after me)
  3. you are Ben10 use one of your alien for snow
  4. flo is pro
  5. Jamaica's 3rd decline application
  6. Can anyone stop me for laughing tho DDOS servers,do unban req. and get declined,then fight with players. Now again? ROFL pls dont ddos me pls LMAOOOOO
  7. cmon if niggas play with their dick its enough for win,not fair
  8. Biggest thanks to Ulas for calculate points with 0 issue
  9. Yes I agree with you
  10. I am the first which one reacted give my 10k
  11. I am clearly better than all of countries smd
  12. I didnt see Turks was playing in a tournament that many players so you cant decide about it
  13. not in Global MTA in mrgreen gaming.
  14. xD There should be a Country Wars then we will see who is best
  15. 1) FC|MRP=129 Points. 2) FC|GNDRS=105 Points. 3) gromghost777=96 Points. 4) Mateoryt=95 Points. 5) BrunoWilson=80 Points. 6) Gustav = 62 Points. 7) Suckarr = 61 Points. 8))Semert = 51 Points. 9) JKY = 41 Points. 10) Berg = 36 Points. 11) Alan = 32 Points. 11) Stroth = 30 Points. 12) HardGay = 14 Points. 13 ) Powerate = 12 Points. 14) Shortcat = 9 Points. 15) Kokovai = 8 Points. 16) Leclare,Pikachu,Alves = 6 Points. 17) Jap = 4 Points. 18 ) andr3s = 3 Points. 19) ferf676 = 2 Points. 20) Nostral = 1 Points. 69 ) AssNTittieS + VenomouS = -69 Points. Goodgame Everyone. Special thanks to @assntitties and @Dubby for let our players enjoy and manage the tournament. Thanks to @Matoosh for Screenshots.
  16. I can judge and punish your ass by let @Dubby ban Nibje for FOREVER
  17. you can judge him by remove his admin
  18. that was so boring wtf is 37 ppl tournament tho? and there was no my map There is no even 37 ppl to register how did they join?
  19. I found one can u close it @Cena
  20. MANHUNT WAS BEST+BEST Mode I had bad pc and I could not play cs 1.6 I was playing dust_2 at mrgreen xd
  21. you are bad owner because you dont ban flo
  22. I want ulas to be admin
  23. I said give it ? Cant see in post
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