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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by nevernotatall

  1. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

  2. you got your pc?
  3. Good Luck
  4. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

    You need to add something to this like unreal then it can be good story
  5. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

    fucking bish you still have promise to me for sh map @-Shadow-
  6. when?
  7. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

    eR//VenomouS @-Shadow- invite Mr Green players to another aim and beat them = pro Just remember 7-3
  8. I am owner of this server you are welcome
  9. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

  10. nevernotatall

    Shooter Sunday

    why you do these sexy events when my pc get fucked up fu
  11. why this always happen ? someone provoke a player and when that guy insults he gets mute? that is unfair like always (I dont mean Sandro.)
  12. Manuel Samuel's steam key code is free for a while in "Hundle Bumble" website @Quad_Tube
  13. it's better than I guess
  14. amk,mk,aq = fuck your pussy there are no insult in speaks except (or expect) mk but he is Avoiding mute it's enough I think. His nicks OROSPUEVLADIMEKUAR (sorry @Mekuar) = son of a bitch Mekuar I asked about who is that guy and he changed his nick to BabanimUlas xD = I am your dad @Haxardous @GoldBerg I tagged Berg cause of you are race admin and you dont know about his warns(I think),Sorry
  15. sorry I forgot about this lemme translate
  16. New post on our Instagram, check it out
  17. good luck brother send me voice
  18. nevernotatall


    open a server located Argentina then
  19. nevernotatall


    250 is best for Argentina it's same with India Emi. playing like that for a long time
  20. you always protect your friends @Mekuar
  21. There are our winners:) Congratz @LaFerrari @.ku Thank you for joining New Project 28 [4BF7792].mp4
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