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Mr. Green Gaming


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ChowBoy last won the day on January 6 2023

ChowBoy had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About ChowBoy

  • Birthday 05/24/1999

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  1. That was not supposed to mean anything. I didn't mean about the Mr green server or anything like that. I was disappointed in Mta developers
  2. Thank you bro
  3. Game: Mr Green Gaming Server: Mix/Race Age: 23 Country of origin: Lithuania Link to Steam Community profile *: Filipy221 Discord name **: Filipy#6160 In-game name: Fil Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi, I am a moderator now for Mix/Race. I am trying to get into the staff for a long time. I always try my best to be there for players, to be helpful, to be fair. I always keep an eye what is going on on discord mix/race channel if I am not in-game. Mr Green was always my home. I am in this server for a really long time. It is actually my first server that i ever joined and it is still my favourite. Now i get more free time as I am on my holidays so I will be always active. I think I am fit to be an admin because I have sense of humour but at the same time I am a serious person and I always look after the server. I get along with everyone. I have a lot of respect for players especially the staff members. I hope I will succeed and whoever is reading this, thank you for your time.
  4. Fil and i will put 2k gcs for the winner of this event
  5. GIVEME MY DAMN VIP please Name: Fil Map Requests: NTS Flirting Vika 1 SH Shade Of Madness 3
  6. thank you
  7. Game: Mr Green Gaming Server: Mix/Race Age: 22 Country of Origin: Lithuania Link to Steam Community profile: N/A Discord Name: Filipy#6160 In-game name: FIL Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well i am in Mr Green for 7+ years. I did have a break from it for few months and now i am back. I am more serious person now than before. Players that know me well, they know what kind of player I am. When I had a break, I was playing in other server. I got opportunity to be an admin. I am an honest, fair, friendly player. I was Admin for few months until the server was shut down because lack of players and a lot of bugs. But now I am focusing on Mr green server. I want to become an Admin and have the server taken care of. There are basically no active staff at night time. I am always active so I really wish to have this opportunity. I know the rules of the server, i know how to treat other players and I am always fair that is why I believe i would be fit to be an Admin.
  8. Cena in Fap??? Well this should be interesting
  9. Dl could actually stay becauise at least you can get tops for it but ctf and ESPECIALLY MH pure waste of time
  10. ChowBoy

    Not Enough?!

    Since when ''learn english kid'' is an insult? okay i still cant see me insulting? and the last few screenshots. they were ages ago and i got punished because of that so those screenshots are useless. So i guess i am not involved this useless report. Good job Panzer for trying at least. Filipy
  11. Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday, I really appreciate it and I love you guys.

    1. Cena


      We love you too! Hope you enjoyed ur day ❤️ 

  12. ChowBoy

    Shooter Sunday

    So when the shooter will be on?
  13. ChowBoy

    Shooter Sunday

  14. Use your brains damn it. You are so dumb its unbelievable
  15. Even god would not give him brain xdd
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