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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by pnz

  1. Yes, Civan provoked me again today, And there was someone cursing in the chat and And I told him to mute him up. But he said reverse answers to me. Because in my slightest insult, he threw mute for 30 minutes. I'm really bored of this again I'm guilty I enjoy playing on this server, but it disturbs my taste I hope it will be done or I'm really planning to quit, he always mock my age and throwing mute for nothing.
  2. I couldn't find the part of the complaint -.-
  3. You never deserve to do your duty as a man. Muted me for nothing
  4. You threw mute 1 hour for my only slightest profanity. But i mean , your friend cursed my parents , grandparents like an 4 days ago , but you still didn't do anything And let the authorities decide You always provoking me and punishing me heavy. It's enough. I just wanna play own game and go out. in our last fight you reported to your friend , after he muted me heavy /12 Hours/ its enough If you want, do your job properly .to me And don't mocking my age anymore . You just bigger 1 year than me
  5. You've always punished me so heavy . Now I really want to play like a human and get out. Your friend cursed my family and grand parents but you didn't do anything .
  6. I've never said my age in this game. And Who are you? waiting for questions. that fun
  7. I'm humiliated just because I'm Turkish, but I didn't do anything ridiculous, so you muted me for 12 hours.
  8. Don't lie to me You always doing it First - You mocked of my age '14 year kid' Second - i didn't insult or another about Kurdish I just said I don't like that race. after Your says 'racist' That's not true I have not provoked anyone since the 2 hours you have been provoking me. '14 year kid , Turkish Kid etc..'
  9. Yeah, as you can see, they've been messing with me for like a week.They really don't do their job properly enough anymore. ENOUGH . I'm telling the authorities to take care of them and a lot of people are really uncomfortable can not do their job properly.And he muted me for nothing with his friend. (12 hours) I have more evidence and it's been provoking and disturbing since 2 hours.And then they muted me that I said two words. And finally said annoying word . Please take care of about them . and begging his friends to complain about me and they says I swear to the Kurds(them race) , but they have no proof of insults their race . One more , Civan insulting to people you can see on the screenshot. OÇ is high insult in Turkish Language .And I want to say something that he insulted to my language. This is my language but he using the same language -> (Turkish). And mocking my age
  10. .
  11. Stop talking about topic . Okay, if you don't want me, don't take the clan.
  12. I want it because I had a friend in AoS , but no problem
  13. .
  14. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    You are looking for a fight with me . And you make fun of my age , you're not funny
  15. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    I don't apologize to you , Everyone is a good one i hope they are forgive . I apologize to everyone except you .
  16. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    So I apologize for what I've done, and I hope there will be forgiveness , i regret .
  17. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    I'm not a Christian Why did you share something like this ? if your purpose is to make fun of , it's not funny if that's your purpose .
  18. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    You're not funny . You managed to humiliate , congrats . I said once again that I apologize for everyone . I hope they forgive I really understood my mistake but I was angry that they did what I disliked . I hope everyone understands .
  19. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    You've been trying to make a fight with me a like long time . But now it's enough ! If you hate , ignore me . You are still provoking . If you were a very good moderator, you wouldn't muted me up for nothing . Now you're judging my personality . I really want to be moderator and i apologize to everyone . Please don't fight with me . I will say so good day to everyone .
  20. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    You don't realize you're looking for a place to start a fight right now . And doing provoking to me . I can't deal with you .
  21. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    You and me know that you've always muted me for nothing . You always defended your friends against me . You've been so unfair to me, man . And stop being blacklisted I apologize to everyone I hope they forgive my behavior .
  22. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    He is extending the subject not me
  23. pnz

    I Wanna be Mod

    Yes if my post will accept , i just do my job only and i won't deal with people like you . I wrote here to apologize on behalf of everyone and to be a moderator not to fight this post .
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