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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by pnz

  1. pnz

    About mine mute

    I was about post that two months ago, but now i think time has come. I dont think that 99 years mute be keeping for some players. That must be removed, i'm neurotic person i havent said it before cuz i dont like it to known, im living alone etc. Anyways i'm more calmly than old time, hope someone gonna remove this mute.
  2. I'm pnz i want to join too.
  3. pnz

    unban req

    Your in-game name: PanzeR Date of your ban: 17.01.2021 What game/server are you banned from: mix and race Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): we were discussing with an admin and i got ban. Reason why we should unban you: I will play more calmly in server.
  4. What the fuck, poor guy? I wasn't apologizing to me in other server You made me funny with your words when you saw me first. I just want play shooter yes what's problem xD.
  5. Your in-game name: PanzeR, Date of your ban: 16.01.2021, What game/server are you banned from: MTA/Mix and Race, Who banned you (only if you know who): Berg, Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): We had an argument with Berg and his crew, i got a decision about an our fight, i had most of guilties at that. After a long time, i miss the Mr.green. I want play back in server with no troubles, no fights. Reason why we should unban you: I will be better panzer than my old self.
  6. Your in-game name: PanzeR Date of your ban: 17th of January What game/server are you banned from: both mix n race Who banned you (only if you know who): Berg Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): As always i was playing my game in mr.green gaming. We were playing shooter map when we are nearly twenty people, kom members were online totally 5 person. I killed them of course, i know its big shame for kom's leader but its not my problem XD. After these moments we again started to play a shooter, berg was being mad because he was getting ground kills from me because he does it same things too. I warned him too it would be better if you dont, thats why i did it. Anyway i got 30 days mute as always after that. I did nothing when i got this mute because i can play without talking too. His friends were saying "toxic" to me but they must know there is no toxic kid except them xD. Nearly after a week i was online in server for playing shooter to have fun, he came and his friends of course i killed them again, and they were doing provocation while i'm muted, he was saying "stop gk" all the time when he dead, but there is one big shame because i wasnt doing ground kill for him. If someone saw it they can comment too . Brief i changed my nick from VIP abilities to make stop them "StopProvoke". after that berg banned me 10 days. Today was going end but i see he changed it to Permamently xD. Reason why we should unban you: There is no sturdy server except here, totally shit. extra: as i heard you said to them am provoking you, i just wrote two sentences its nothing sides with your .
  7. pnz

    unban req . 100

    Your in-game name: PanzeR Date of your ban: two weeks ago (3 days remain, i dont wanna wait. It was for shit already) What game/server are you banned from: Mix and Race Who banned you (only if you know who): Mekuar Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): Hobbit and hemix were insulting me while i'm muted. They were mad because they were dying in shooter by me. I tried to stop them with changing nicks because i was muted already but they didnt stop after i did it. I got warning from an admin when i did it. And i changed my nickname back. Probably after this day Mekuar came and banned me. Reason why we should unban you: I just want play my game in this server. I'm already muted. If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (3ABD61E67AE19060A8F42C0A22019FB3)
  8. pnz

    Unban Request

    Your in-game name: PanzeR Date of your ban: a week ago What game/server are you banned from: Mix and Race Who banned you (only if you know who): Mekuar Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): I was provoking by someone and i changed my nick to stop them.I changed my nick because i got mute again by Mekuar. I just tried to stop them as i said because it wasn't funny. They were insulting because they are always dying in shooter when i'm alive. You can check the history too. I already got warning by Admin but Mekuar prefers ban me. Reason why we should unban you: I just want play in server. If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (3ABD61E67AE19060A8F42C0A22019FB3)
  9. pnz


    Why you all time closing topics @Mekuaras you know i didnt do anything this shit started from they You know that too but you are punishing me instead of them
  10. pnz


    XD This guy doesnt even see his friends provokings, their insultings while am muted I already got many perma bans and many heavy mutes I got this time 30 days for a shit reasons and with this, 14 days came too XD
  11. pnz

    Unban Req

    Your in-game name: PanzeR, Date of your ban: I dont know exact date, almost 2 months ago. What game/server are you banned from: Both of servers (mix and race) Who banned you (only if you know who): Mekuar, Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): I was banned from the server because of another player. Reason why we should unban you: I wanna play my own game in server. If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial): 3ABD61E67AE19060A8F42C0A22019FB3
  12. pnz

    Map Event

  13. pnz


  14. It was only suggestion, thanks again.
  15. I will talk about different subject, it's about Shooter gamemode : Some friends like me are uncomfortable with this issue. (Anti Kmz and Ground Kill problems etc.), ( only need prevent ground kills and anti kmz must be come ) to be honest, most of the people who don't know how to play on Shooter gamemode, they're doing groundkill and kmz all time. Only for ruin my game and other people's games, and lagger people problems, its really being boring.(maybe someone have got same minds as mine) Brief, it will offer more comfort. (i think) Thank you for interest!
  16. Remove these gamemodes except DeadLine (i meant CTF and MH= Time Wasting). That will be better i think.
  17. pnz

    Not Enough?!

    Every game they're provoking&insulting to us,we don't listen them but they are continuning to bother us. we haven't enthusiasm to play game in the server Finally thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter. Nicknames : Filippy (racist) , TastedWeed (Pandito,blocker,racist) , race (blocker,racist) and KneeLz There are some screenshots about them : On this screenshot , race blocked me and hobbit and prevented us game by missing his checkpoints On this screenshot , Pandito tried to block me but his block was failed so he's toxic there On this screenshot , he insulting as he wishes (lmao) he does it always On this screenshot , he insulted to some new members of Server (He does it always to new members) On this screenshot , he insulting and provoking me. On this screenshot , (he's name is race) you can see one of racist. On this screenshot , he said the 'terrorist' (i don't even want to use this word) to my race. On this screenshot , pandito again can't stand to me and insulting ofcourse. On this screenshot , he's provoking me. On this too , he's provoking me again without reason. He's still provoking me lmfao (trust me i don't know what is the reason) On this screenshot , he's provoking me with his friend. On this too , he's still provoking&insulting to me. On this screenshot , i don't know reason again , pandito is insulting to me. On this Filippy still is provoking&insulting to me. On this screenshot too , filippy insulting to me with his friends. That's enough for now! I hope those screenshots are enough for punishements for these guys. Topic by 'PanzeR,Hobbit and Arrog'.
  18. I gave it to you because you were need it still didn't understand stop provoking me what the fuck is this shit dude I just joined the game and these guys start to provoke me again whereas i did nothing,but when i join encounter these situation
  19. Never without reason? Explain
  20. CLOSED Admins will take care of that
  21. I hope too there isnt any fault from me cause of i already got their punishs These are old screenshots i dont know maybe i will get punish again,who know but you should long time ban because of your insults,provokes,racism and insulting to religion... top many reasons ban for you
  22. Mom things? What did you mean? I just talking with him without insult Not ask all players I just asked once time to him lmfao
  23. You didnt get enough... Banned? I already gave up you still saying same shit again lmao.
  24. Cmon man i was talking with him only without insult maybe two words only where is the big problem? I was kidding with him thats all because he was annoying with players. I think this community needs a real proofs lemme send it I'm sure these proofs are enough for punishement each guy. I didn't do anything to these boys.Don't punish for nothing.
  25. pnz

    Shooter Sunday

    lol, I can beat you now lets come here, (invite Mr Green players to another aim and beat them = pro) xD most of the person are scared don't come Im just offering thats all If you thinking you beated me, with ur waits Normally you can't
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