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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by terminator

  1. That's the stupidest argument there is. Working fine for you =/= works fine for everyone else.

    That's the stupidest argument there is. If its broken for you =/= its broken for everyone else.

    When did I say that? Oh wait, I didnt. The game crashes for everyone of my friends. Does a well done game do that? No.

    The game crashes for none of my friends. Does a well done game do that? Absolutely.

  2. He probably means the fact you need to register to all these extra services in order to be able to play BF3..

    It's what I hate about GTAIV too, Social club, GFWL etc..

    Remember these days you could just double click the shortcut on your desktop and a few moments later you were ready to play?

    Good ol' times..

    Yes that's what I ment. Battlelog would be awesome if it really was fast and worked right, LIKE IT WAS PROMISED TO. Origin, well, Origin will suck no matter what.

    Works fine for me :V

  3. Well saying that these forums are full of Pony idiots, I would go with a few people that would. Off Topic: Kids saying that BF3 is going to be better than Skyrim *face Palm *

    What the fuck does this have to do with GTA.

    It's like you're trying to start a flamewar.

    Why do you even respond to it then?

    Lol it was ignored by every one so you're just as guilty as him for trying to start one congrats and so am i now!


  4. I would rather be Chuck Norris's fist that hibernates under his beard through out the winter. Plus if I was his beard it would be uncomfortable to have a fist under me 0.o

    Would you rather lose the sense of sound , sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of sight or sense of taste?

    Sense of taste since 80% of taste is determined by smell HAHAHA! I WIN

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