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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by terminator

  1. You can not cook grenades(DICE you suck again)

    What does that even means?

    Cooking a grenade means holding it for a longer period of time so it explodes sooner after you throw it. Not a bad idea to leave it out of the game. Everyone should have some time to run away from a grenade.

    It's a bad idea i though bf3 was gonna be as realistic as possible irl you can cook nades why not in bf3?

    And its fun to cook nades so they explode right above their heads lol.

  2. Or, run this script i made to lower my ping.

    it adds 2 new rules in the registery;

    TCPNoDelay and TcpAckFrequenty.

    here is a tut about it:


    After installing Windows 7 I noticed a slight increase in network latency in several online games. It wasn’t a big deal – I’m talking 200-300ms, but this is on a connection that was reliably < 100ms in the past. Beyond the obvious settings in Windows or on your router, here’s a list of tweaks that may help quite a bit. It involves disabling Nagle’s algorithm, also commonly known as TCP no delay, which is basically an optimization of network traffic that tries to reduce overall packet volume but can cause extra latency in the connection. This should work on Windows 7 or Vista, though the same principle can probably applied to other operating systems as well.

    From a command prompt (usually in All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt) run “regedit”

    Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces

    Browse the items under interfaces until you find one that has an IPAddress entry matching the network interface you want to affect (typically LAN IP addresses start with 192.168 or 10.0); note that if your IP address is automatically assigned by a DHCP server you may need to look for a matching DhcpIPAddress instead of IPAddress

    Right-click on the interface and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, name it “TcpAckFrequency”

    Right-click the new TcpAckFrequency value and select Modify, enter “1? (Hexadecimal radio button should be selected)

    Right-click on the interface and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, name it “TCPNoDelay” (note that TCP is all uppercase this time – that’s intentional)

    Right-click the new TCPNoDelay value and select Modify, enter “1? (Hexadecimal radio button should be selected)

    Verify that both TcpAckFrequency and TCPNoDelay now show up in the adapter’s property list with types REG_DWORD and values 0×00000001

    Exit regedit and reboot (reboot is necessary for the changes to take effect!)

    Play a game and enjoy your new low ping

    This decreased my ping in most games from 200-300ms to 50-60ms, which matches the latency I would see via a tracert to the game’s server.

    Here is the script if you trust me enough or are very lazy:


    The same TUT is includes in the zip.(make you scan the zip file first just to be sure)

    But even though there ping is low will gameplay be normal or will they still appear to play like a ping of half a gazillion MS ?

  3. Well, I feel bad for ya, but if the server ping limit will be that high, we will return to the Ping Age. It is bad enough that most of the sa-mp servers are laggy, but laaag in RACE servers is even worse.

    I drive to the finish line, I'm 2nd and suddenly a car crashes inside me, is that normal!?

    There have been threads about this subject before, it's not gonna get raised because it will fuck the gameplay on the server beyond all recognition.

    If you want to play with low ping you move to another country or buy some better internet.

  4. I've been writing raps since I was 9 or something, and ever since I had internet, I've been rapping random rap lyrics every day. So I just choose a rap artist, find his/her discography, and find the lyrics to all his/her songs and I rap every one of it. Of course with a bit of creativity and fantasy in it, so I make up my own melody for each song, not knowing how the real song sounds.

    That and I play piano. But I'm bad at playing things straight outta my head, or playing sheet music without practicing.

    Wigger :yeah:

  5. Tell me this guy isn't in charge cozz that would be a pathetic representation of this server.

    Can someone who isn't carpileup give me either a good reason why I got banned (after reading my post) and unban me now.

    Or unban me for the time I'm waiting for the verdict because this is eating up time I'd rather waste on other stuff.

    Do you like ponies?

  6. This means that owning will be alot easier.......

    I still want a l85 but they aint gonna add it >_<

    Is the weapon at 1:04 a galil i cant tell what it is?

    Looks like an upgraded/modernised ak74 su

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