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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cowchucker

  1. I dont get it but it looks awesome.
  2. Looks like a sexy map to me, weapons on the map would be awesome, I'd like to see one map with a mounted gun in one area instead of grenades on maps. it would keep the zombies busy while racking up the kills for humans but at the same time if a zombie gets to the mounted turret the guy is screwed.
  3. Add one fake room thats booby trapped with explosives or something.
  4. Havent played the map but i look forward too.
  5. Loves to ride pussy while the pussy is about to swallow him whole
  6. I'd love to be the first to kill someone on this map...on my own team.
  7. Epic map, seriously it brings great memories on one of my favorite maps. Although more props would be cool.
  8. Thats happened to me before once i join an infected war server but i just rejoined and boom problem fixed. Speaking of invisivle models wraiths are the funniest thing especially when they are standing still and you shine the flashlight over them, you can see them.
  9. How about an explosive barrel hat and whenever you die it explodes(it does not do damage to humans or zombies). 2000Gc's
  10. Looks like a great map, ignore what sneed said we need less props..... today Aiur shot a prop at me i jumped over it, hit the person behind me and i was laughing so hard but then the person aiur killed shot a prop at me from behind and killed me. /me is a master prop hater. P.S. Sneed love the signature
  11. Lol i will just agree with clavus although i did have a different reason
  12. /me loves clavus /me votes for clavus /me gets beaten with a cane by mayco /me runs away /me changes my vote /me realizes i cant /me cries in the corner /me recieves a chocolate bar from clavus /me accepts clavus /me see's mayco coming back with the cane /me see's clavus and mayco in epic battle /me see's clavus win /me see's clavus win the contest ..My life story using /me's about this contest.
  13. True dat my robot friend. surely sexy robot friend HES MINES!!! Chainsaw robo and me are having a threesome GET HIM ERIN!
  14. What's the number of the card? Like: HD4870 or something. HD 3870 Mayco you make me sad.
  15. .......Look at my avatar...thats my backround JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!!!!!
  16. Yeah but you get 3 kills per human which is 12 points for redemption but if you add extra Gc to it you get 14 points. There really is no point.
  17. I see you on a lot.....i saw you last night..i wont tell where though You are EPIC! and you killed me three times as zombie so i used my power meter to beat the crap out of you then sickpl killed joo right when i was hitting joo.
  18. Robo wips everyone with his slippery whip, but since you are frog i think you'd be great for admin i see you on sometimes.
  19. Sorry i just got home, most of you are from europe give mr. american here a second to respond. Graphics card is 512 megabytes ATI Radeon. Edit: Whoops sorry clavus, the cost i cant really tell you because i dont know it. My computer is an early birthday present, and i didnt really ask how much it costed them, it'd be rude.
  20. Error i like the idea, i would find it funny to put in a down side to it like make one of the lose things to next three times you respawn you respawn as a random class. It encourages people not to just use zombie and chems. Like say you type !rtd and it says Lose: Next three respawns you are a headcrab so you would have to go out and fight being a headcrab. also tator um i like the ideas of putting Gc up for those but the Gc amount is too high for the first one. Also you made another topic about this and no one really seemed to like it...except me.
  21. Doesnt know rildur slept with me and robo while we had a threesome on error's bed.
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