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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Uh. load up the fallout launcher (that screen with the BoS dude and the Play , install, etc

    Select data files. and check all the DLC

    Ah, k, thanks. :)

    Only problem is, I can only check 'Anchorage'. The other DLC I have is 'The Pitt', but it's missing in the list. :\

    You have the files like this? The selected ones are The Pitt -files. Click the top of the picture to see it well/bigger.


  2. Bob the Salesman strikes again. But the votekick/ban/etc. system is not so good becoss players can kick/try to kick people even if they did something wrong.

    If they just dont like the other guy becoss his better than themselves, they can just votekick and yeall: "KICK HIM, AIMBOT LOLOL, BAN!" It aint fair.

  3. Also, if we get L4D-style infected, we're fucked.

    Unless we steal an aircraft carrier from US.. Don't those things run like, two years? With those nuclear things inside them?

    We should name it United Green Earth, and shoot anyone else on sight.

    You know how to sail one?

    It's worth the try. And I'm sure there is manual in the ship somewhere.

    And if we can't sail it, let's just anchor it to one point and camp.

    Yap, it takes only like 100 people to run a ship like that?

    "RUN TO THE HILLS! Run for youur liveeeeeees!"

  4. Theres so many similar galaxies there, you really think that we are the only one with brains? I think there's at least a dousin intelligent species out there.

    And at least half of them have more advanced technology than we do.

    Maybe they think they are the only creators out there like we do?

    Who knows, not me, not you, nobody knows for sure.

  5. there was, i saw it :o(ah here not, in video)


    The video, i saw the hl2 ep2 in video. Understand?

    Ive marked the words to make you see it better.

    I think the video started from new games to old ones... There was Crysis, Assasins Creed, Halo 3, PS3 games etc. in the beginning.

    And the good old games in the end.

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