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Mr. Green Gaming

Sgt. John Mullins

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About Sgt. John Mullins

  • Birthday 04/15/1993

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    C#, PHP, C, C++ : Ie, programming in general.<br />Japanese, anime, manga : You know the drill.

Sgt. John Mullins's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Affect smells like the correct term here. Although I believe effect might be correct as well, seeing the English language is somewhat unclear about the use of affect/effect.
  2. Aye. The 'fix' isn't completely perfect, but it works fine on a 800 * 600 resolution. Which is the minimum modern web supports.
  3. Google Hoops

    Your a retard seriosuly


    Oh, irony

  4. Well, the same problem goes for people with a lower resolution whom are already on a full window. Thou areth forgiven, for you are a nerdraging moron with no insight or idea what's going on. Just this once.. Why are you trying to sound clever by using olden Shakespeare English? I believe the word would be Shakespearian. 't Was more my intent to sound my position; above thee. :3
  5. Well, the same problem goes for people with a lower resolution whom are already on a full window. Thou areth forgiven, for you are a nerdraging moron with no insight or idea what's going on. Just this once..
  6. There's too much whitespace, which doesn't do well in most people's books.
  7. The fact that the application is a pain to read, and that it's posted in the wrong place should be a firm indication that you are unfit to be an administrator.
  8. Honestly, this game looks like a 12 year old got access to the L4D SDK. The atmosphere is completely ruined and made place for complete retardation. I have to admit, the scavenge mode looks awesome, melee weapons aren't bad -- however, that's something there should have been in the original L4D already!
  9. Yes, you do seem of age. I think you mean Javascript. Java is an objected-oriented language that actually compiles. It's not a scripting language. Actually, it's a semi-compiled language. It gets 'compiled' down to a more savage being, yet the Java VM is still required to actually run the application. Such a shame. Shame there's no proper Java IDE. Reasons enough for me not to like Java.
  10. G'day to y'all, 't Has come to my attention that the Half-Life 2 forums.com banner displays badly in smaller resolutions. This is extremely dreading when browsing on some computers, or when not having your browser full-screened. (Which is something I do almost all the time.) This could be easily fixed, through the gorgeousness that we call Cascaded Style Sheets. Underneath you'll find a piece of css that should work. Please note; it's untested. #hl2-banner { position: absolute; right: 0; } Thank you for your attention. John
  11. Those servers piss the shit out of people. They're annoying.
  12. Please let me hack you to death with a rake? HTML is for the visuals on the site. You can make fine static websites. However, if you want to work with user input; logins and what not - you'll have to program that part in PHP (and use MySQL).
  13. Here are links that can/might help you! If you know any links to add, please PM me! C# The awesomeness of C++, .NET and simple syntax! C# Practical learning Visual C# Tutorials Learn C# Programming Learn all about C#. C++ You _WILL_ effectively blow of your feet. Cplusplus.com Learncpp.com Teach yourself C++ in 21 days. Cplus.about.com Java "Java is platform independent!" It doesn't get much better than that though... Javalessons.com Learn Java from the ground up. Kodejava.org Java 101 Netbeans' Learning Java PHP PHP Hyper Processor, sexy code for sexy websites. W3CSchools Tizag PHP Buddy PHPFreaks PHPeasystep PHPScripts Learn PHP - About.com LearnPHP Tutorial Perl Learn Perl Beginning Perl Teach yourself Perl in 21 days! Communities Dreamincode.net Contests L4G Programming Contest #1: Text Editor
  14. To add some life to the programming section, why not have some small contests, challenges and such. We will, of course, be competing for the honour. As this is the first contest, lets keep it simple. We will be writing a text editor, such as Notepad. You can add whichever functions you wish. For the sake of PHPers: you are also allowed to write a web application to do this. Here are some IDEAS Tabs Rich text (colours, ..) Syntax highlighting. History system. Template system. Easy functions for example: convert all double quotes to single quotes. I hope to see some people enter. Thank you and good luck! Sgt. Mullins.
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