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Mr. Green Gaming


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VMR last won the day on December 3 2012

VMR had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About VMR

  • Birthday 11/23/1993

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  • Steam

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  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Interests
    Huntin' polarbears ;)


  • Retired Badge
    Retired Admin

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  1. Cena

    Look who decided to visit the forums again xD @VMR 


    I know you don't know me 

    1. VMR


      What a gigant nostalgia trip, this is crazy

  2. VMR

    Oculus Rift

    Have you tried Chivalry with it yet? Does Chivalry even work with it? I was playing a few matches and just thought of how terrifying it must be to get your head chopped right off and see your body laying on the ground as you (your head) rolls down the hill.
  3. VMR

    Oculus Rift

    I can't wait to try this out. It looks incredible, and I really hope it lives up to the hype. How is accuracy in FPS games with it? I play HL2 with mouse and keyboard. I can make the same reactionary movements as I normally would without it feeling bad, I'm just as accurate as I am normally (even though a metrocop's head at 50m distance is like one pixel due to the low pixel density at the moment). The Rift complements pretty much every control scheme, and Valve's implementation of FPS aiming works great. The virtual boy was the same idea, but failed because the technology just wasn't there yet. I could play hours with the Rift without feeling eye strain or getting a headache. The reason I don't is because playing HL2 in VR can be mentally exhausting because of how intense the whole experience is, you really need the break to catch your breath and mentally process all the cool shit you just did. It really is that awesome. You just made my hopes even higher! Also. OH GOD!
  4. I've recently found myself becoming more and more interested in reading news, and I haven't seen a thread on Mr.G where we discuss our news sources, so here goes. What kind of news do you read online, and where do you go to read them? I use a cupple of norwegian tech sites, the Norwegian national broadcastings website (NRK) and a very minimal of tech sites like the verge etc.
  5. VMR

    Oculus Rift

    I can't wait to try this out. It looks incredible, and I really hope it lives up to the hype. How is accuracy in FPS games with it?
  6. Keep em, love it
  7. This was like waking up december 22nd :)

  8. I really like Wolfire Games. The two main developers are so good at implementing features that just makes sense. Following the development proccess of Overgrown has been lots of fun. As for the top I'd have to go with Valve/Hidden path for CS:GO and Dota2. The two most polished, beautiful, best balanced games I own And it's not only about the development of the games either, right? Valve is one of the greatest things that has happened to the game industry if you ask me, and I think most of you agree. They are truly great.
  9. The lead designer of Oblivion and a few others got together and made a game called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It's an openworld RPG, released in feb 2012, it reminds me a lot of Oblivion, with a stronger fantasy-style. In the short amount of time I've spent playing it, I've noticed the combat is excellent (at least compared to Oblivions shitty combat) and they've used a lot of the elements they know we love. If you still haven't finished your christmas shopping entirel...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Reap3r


      Then do it on steam. Not here, in a status update.

    3. Quert


      This is facebook reap3r , didnt you know?

    4. VMR


      I don't have you all on Steam. I know there are a lot of RPG lovers in this community, so I thought I'd share a game I've been enjoying a whole lot.

  10. If the 21th of dec. really was the last day on this earth, what would you try to do/accomplish?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Reiska


      well atleast box's part time job is street hooker working for one banana sandwich a day

  11. Just started working in a kindergarden. Turns out, it's very similar to being an admin. Love it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FishWithAHat


      Try to teach a bunch of 7-10 year old kids to swim, just too much noise, and they wont listen...

    3. Quert


      kids never listen, they're a bunch of trigger happy mini people

    4. Clavus


      Bring a banhammer. Although confused parents might alert the cops.

  12. SwIF? How come I've never heard of this? Explain yourself!
  13. Is there 4 people in here interested in trying out some CS:GO matches sometime?
  14. VMR

    Discuss Anime

    I've seen a cupple of animes in my years, but I've always completely and utterly hated the general anime fanbase (the people who make it a part of their personality), but my brain keeps telling me that watching it is alright because I'm a big, big fan of movies and books in general and anime is just an alternative way of producing those movies, after all. I can't stand "anime culture" and I think it's retarded, but I can't deny some anime is probably f'ing godlike. The animes I've seen are Hellsing, Bleach, Naruto, Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist. Before you start hating, I saw Hellsing, Bleach and naruto (from) back in the day when Naruto was at episode 20, so it's just something I've grown up with I guess. Anyway, I was recommended to watch Death Note by a classmate, watched it and loved it. I think Death Note is a piece of art, mostly because it's easy to get into, it's logical and it's not primarily aimed at kids. I wanted to see if there was any other gems like DN out there, and I was recommended FMA several places on the internet and I decided I'd download it and give it a shot. Let's just say I was dissapointed. Some FMA spoilers and a bit of a rant/rage: Why does that series have a 9.0 on IMDB, and nearly every other list? I feel like I was tricked into wasting hours of my life. I don't have anything against anyone who liked it or anything, hell, good for you you got your time worth. The thing is that after watching it, I just totally lost the interest in ever looking for any anime ever again. If that thing is so highly rated, I don't trust reviews or scores, because I won't take the risk of having to watch something like that ever again. To my question: Do you guys think you know of any good animes I could watch that's not stupidly childish, illogical or anything of the sort? DN is the only proper series I've seen, and I loved it and I believe there are other series as good as it out there. I'm cool with anything unnatural or supernatural, as long as it's not contradictory or stupid. tl;dr I just love a good story, but I don't like anime culture and I don't want to watch anime because it's anime. Do you guys have any suggestions for something you think stands out that you think I would like?
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