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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Lukkie

  • Birthday 07/05/1994

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    Team Fortress 2 :D

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  1. Not sure if I understand you correctly, but if you're asking how I'm able to do those sick spins: I have a key ('F') bound to '+left'. While I hold it, my camera moves to the left at a constant rate. I only use it for spins because usually, you have to maintain your speed by slowly moving your mouse (i.e. not flicking) and that's why I have a super low sensitivity. Without the bind, spins would be a disaster ^^
  2. Hey guys, Because Mr.Green was the server where I first started surfing, I thought it'd be nice to show off my progress. I remember being a huge noob, barely able to complete surf_rebel_resistance's easy finish. But I improved... My last video is veeeeeeery close to 100k views, so I made a new one to celebrate Check it out!
  3. League of Legends is totally different compared to HoN and DotA. The Idea is the same, but LoL is different. In so many aspects actually :>
  4. When I encourage people to play LoL, they download the game and regret it after their first game. It happened to me as well. However, I try to make them play more games and eventually, they learn the game and enjoy it. I think it's an awesome game, and its FREE. There is so much to unlock, so many champions to learn, and so much to improve on. I think I can beat everyone at this forum in a one on one. (Mainly because almost noone plays it) It has a rating system, and I am among the top 3% players, wich I am proud of It's really a game to improve on. You won't even be half so good as me when you reached level 30 (= max), but you will be into this game. It's especially fun when you have some friends on TS
  5. Anyone playing this? I am a level 30 summoner on EU West, Lukkie is my ingame name
  6. One more year and youre another year older

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    1. Hundred2


      Scientific research has found a link between deaths and to many birthdays.

  7. I thought I was special for having a gaming laptop next to my single monitor pc
  8. We used to have the same problem in our server. First problem was the speedometer using too much resources. Second problem was an error in a script. It's fixed for us
  9. vk.com has a huge library but you need an account. You can use that account with "The Pirate App" to directly search for music and download it easy
  10. Lukkie


    Ill buy it tonight, add me: Lukkie I have been playing on some cracked servers but whitelists dont work there, you can log in on eachothers account... Sooooo annoying to lose 20 diamonds
  11. bumbump The only differences seem to be a better +0.1Ghz x 2 CPU and a different (better?) screen. But does that make up for the higher cost?
  12. http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/Notebooks_Intel%28R%29/MSI/GX660R-619NL/517879/?tn=BUILDERS&l1=Notebooks&l2=Gaming http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/Notebooks_Intel%28R%29/MSI/GX740-274NL/468705/?tn=BUILDERS&l1=Notebooks&l2=Gaming First one is more expensive, but is it worth the extra euros? I want to play League of Legends on highest settings, and other games (up to GTA IV and Black Ops) on normal or higher.
  13. That one looks awesome, Ill see if they have it with QWERTY because french keyboards suck
  14. Hi Havent been active here for a while now, but if there is one thing I prefer posting here are hardware questions So I want to buy a (gaming) laptop. First of all, this is the one I have in mind: http://www.alternate.nl/html/product/Notebooks_Intel%28R%29/ALTERNATE/18M30U_Performance/488420/?tn=BUILDERS&l1=Notebooks&l2=Gaming Would it run games smooth? Are there cheaper & better laptops available? thx
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