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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by kronk

  1. Yep, not happy to say this but i confirm that I am retiring my application. Too busy atm, maybe in the future i could apply again i don't know.
  2. I'm sad to announce this but i'm afraid i will have to retire my application, or if Ywa wants, keep my app in "pending" status till half January. Beside school, i am soon going to register to our local Gym and will have to study also for my driving license, i'll give the driving tests after 21 january so i can ride 125cc's so as of now i maybe have only one free hour to play on MTA.
  3. And i'm back!
  4. hello good fellas! I managed to buy a cheap internet key but i can't connect to mIRC cause i'm on my father's laptop, i said it on mIRC before going away but i'll say it here too: I'm on vacation, we rented a house at the beach and will be living there til 31 of august. I gotta go now so see you on september! :-)
  5. the cake is a lie
  6. kronk

    New race map

    Aaaalright i have some nice ideas for a new map but i need some help. First of, how do i add vehicle repair pickups? I use default and set race gamemode but i can only add Nitro and heart icons that do not repair. Second, making road loops is difficult, is there a way / program / anything to make it easier?
  7. I managed to finish my first MTA Race map so don't expect much from it. Maybe i'll make more but i don't know yet. race-roadrunning.zip.zip
  8. Yeah it's pretty annoying, in these days my ping rised a lot when tanatos was using music but i'm not 100% sure that my lag was tanatos' fault. But anyway it's annoying because i don't want to hear his music and i don't want to turn off voice chat.
  9. 7/10. This one i post may not be everyone's favorite type of music,Patty Pravo is an old italian singer. It's one of those song that perfectly fits in the atmosphere of long car drivings
  10. 7/10
  11. i watched just the first minutes but i like it, 7.5/10
  12. happy level up.
  13. kronk


  14. kronk


    i want an .eu domain : D
  15. kronk

    Day Z

    Tryied to meet with you guys on TS but it seems you play on different time zones :\ mine is gmt+1
  16. I like how everyone puts themselves around 7 for building when pretty much none of them are. No offense, but let me put things into perspective here- I'd put the VoxelBox crew at around 8-8.5/10 (simply because I've seen some amazing structure in my time). But to consider the VoxelBox anything lower than 8 is heresy.! Most people would put them immediately at 10/10. I'd put my money down to say most people are 2-2.5 times lower than what they say they are. (once more, no offence.) I'm just not much creative, but ofcourse if you tell me which way to do a thing i will do it. Maybe if you don't want i'll just help dig down and gather resources, that's okay
  17. I'm willing to join Minky and the other guys for digging,gathering resources or building! (I'm not really creative when it comes to building though, 6.9/10 creative mind)
  18. kronk

    Day Z

    If anyone wanna help me get a bit oriented, playing in group and such I'm up for it, i don't know the map
  19. kronk

    Day Z

  20. kronk

    Day Z

    I told him that i passed the exams (which is true) so he just said ok, there was still some euros on it so i have 29€ instead of exactly 25€ . Gonna buy ARMA2 combined operations and then install Day Z. Any Brotips for starting out?
  21. 7/10 thanks to cyrius for introducing this awesome band to me, i'm listening to genesis 24/7
  22. kronk

    Day Z

    If i convince my dad to put 25€ on the prepaid card i'll buy it. (it's intested to him) gimme ideas for excuses D:
  23. I hope i can join this, i want a chilled building faction aswell, i dun' like PvP
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Groove not too many years ago i was watching this film, and i liked Kronk's name.
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