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9-th Dragon

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9-th Dragon last won the day on March 16 2015

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About 9-th Dragon

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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    Russia, Moscow.
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    Take from life everythingю

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  1. First time i see thread postet by poofu and i respect that. Just Good luck with server. I hope u do all what u declare.
  2. it's an idea, but without a plan how it realize.
  3. u wrong, just all old pack of players was borred of shitty zs mod wich was maded by pufag and duby.... they gave us alot of unbalanced shit and worse game play ever.. Can only say about self, i just don't want gave an another try to fucking shit gameplay. Also i got alot of laugh about new name for zs server. It's just "UNIQUE" like another thousand servers.
  4. 9-th Dragon

    GTA5 - PC

    also got it
  5. Zombie Green Apocalypse just posted it here
  6. with 90% damage reduction, there no need a waves. Just gave 30% speed increase for 1 sec after survival left that shop, that would be better idea, than add waves with intermission.
  7. did u disabled a grave digger for katana now? Last nigh when i bought it, it's not heal, when u kill zombies, that unfair, caz damned fagsties do 5 dmg per any hit... 3hp perk kill(for katana), and 5 for any other melee wep, will gave a litle bit more time for enjoyin when kill zombies.. 2-3 fagstie can easy kill any survival with katana. P.s.: add plz few maps from old map cycle in current(i mean from oldes time when server was made by deluvas and necrossin) If posible, remove alyxg motel, caz map crappy as hell
  8. the beter thing wich u can do for now - it's gave rollback to necrosin or deluvas zombie server. They made a fucking good zombie server, and alot of people play it, but after them server began its going to fall. Caz after pufu and then duby, server is dying. if u want keep all new things, just try make a second one, and improve it, but current mod is fucking sucks
  9. 30 sec ago i was stuck in behemot boss. + mobile supplies cant be pick up now, also as and used for getting ammo.
  10. there 2 issues the first one - quick redemtion not work when u kill 2 humans via prop kills(auto redeem enabled) the second - dead zombie can't change zombie class, u need spawn for got access to menu for changing zombie class.
  11. or we can test that zs mod, wich was builded by Necrosin, and test it will it be popular or not.... i think that pufu and then duby do wrong thing on zs server wich was do it unpopular, and unplayable for big part of players, in part of game balance.
  12. We need more new masp, or just got some from archive, i mean maps what we used last time much time ago.
  13. did u know about new bug ? it's hapening all time when any boss come close to human and hit them, after that human stuck in boss and that is shitty bug even.
  14. there found a serious problem with spawn system for zombies... If some one jerk teleport into texture, other zombies will spawn on that moron and there no other option for spawn on Z spawn base.... need fix it as fast as it possible, caz zombie bosses also spawn in that situations in texture. P.s.: if i wrote something wrong gave me ur advice in ur reply. Ty)
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