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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Posts posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. Could make an official event *cough suggestive event by TopCatcrew cough* where the server is only revealed about 5 minutes beforehand on TS.

    Would be pretty cool though, to just take on everything or everyone trying to be a ninja :D

  2. Was googling Day Z map images, came across this:


    So true right now, I'm at the back of this hospital with about 5 zombies outside and all I have is this enfield :(

  3. Tried updating Day Z + the beta mirrions of times but I can't get past the loading screen, I guess I'll wait till the next update.


    Don't know if it will help anyone BUT I followed this guys advice to install the battleye thing for OA in it's directory because mine had error messages on Steam so I think somehow it just isn't that great through steam.

    But I'll be on whenever.

  4. Just bought Arma, hopefully I'll be on in around an hour or whatever, I take it I ask people via Teamspeak for the server and stuff?

  5. Hmm, either Pokemon Red or some Nascar game 2 doors down, I have no idea what it was called but I just remember holding down accelerate on this super speedway type map and I always bumped into the corners

    That or frogger/random kids games on our good old Win 95 computer

  6. Neat!

    Hopefully Arma will be discounted even further than the price on their store (ty Awesomeo btw)

    And also some other games like Max Payne go a little bit further so I've got slightly more pennies left in my pocket after this is over and Steam has stopped life stealing my wallet.


  7. Thought it was alright, I'd just say make it smoother, I didn't like the made by Clavus Elite bit in the middle I thought that could have gone at the end and I think the footage should be some sweet ass moments, not really just a bones jumping around failing to hit anyone :/

    But pretty good to start with, just make the changes made in the posts above :>

  8. Yeah I got 8GB sort of just in case but after using some shaders and high res texture packs in Minecraft it does help, but generally I'd only say to get them if you are running a lot of applications :>

    Plus you can do that and also do other stuff in the meantime as mentioned above

  9. There's an older thread for this, but hey ho.

    I literally typed waffles and pancake into Google translate and I liked pancake more. That's as far as it goes.

    That goes for any other usernames I've created (ones that have a boring story that is, like Burn (previous forum name, I think Hundred kept saying Burn baby burn whenever I posted) and also ERROR 401

    But that story is for another day heuheuheueheu

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