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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Posts posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. Server's back online. Dynmap also worked again.

    no 100 slots :(

    Server's back online. Dynmap also worked again.

    no 100 slots :( sorry for 2 times

    Alright the hardware upgrade is officially a failure. We suspect issues with the current CentOS version but even that's not certain.

    The hardware upgrade will be postponed. Probably by weeks. I'll try to bring MC back online sometime tomorrow or this weekend, but without the extra slots.

    In short: fuck Linux.


  2. Disorder | Rating

    Paranoid: Low

    Schizoid: Low

    Schizotypal: Low

    Antisocial: Low

    Borderline: Low

    Histrionic: Low

    Narcissistic: Low

    Avoidant: Low

    Dependent: Low

    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate


  3. Our arrows will blot out the sun!

    - 2 stacks of arrows and a spare bow :D

    Probably a poo idea but you could add an incentive like the TF2 store has so after x amount of green coins spent within a certain time span you get a random stack of x materials (could range from dirt to smoothstone or whatever, something not extremely valueable but could be a nice bonus)

  4. I thought this was going to end with

    'so ur with ur honey...'

    But alas I don't know, ask one of the wimmins you know to help, they might give you another bit of insight, how they'd like a situation like that to be handled...

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