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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by TechnoNegro

  1. 48 rounds with only bala knife and crossbow and nades.

  2. my favs are pretty much those games i said you should try out, also gmod l4g servers, maplestory, call of duty (only the zombie mode. I hate the campain and the muliplayer even more) and killing floor. That kind of stuff.

  3. ey, if ur pc can run dead island, wow is no problems. Try out the trial maybe. My dead island torrent version, so ill take a look if i can get it work online. Also, try team fortress 2. Its free and fun to play, and works on mac too.

  4. you should try out these games : dead rising 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Or maybe world of warcraft, if you havent tried it out yet. Wow is free for a while, and those other games can be found from torrent

  5. why you havent responded to my message? My bro stole my ps3 and my pc video card is broken. That means only interesting thing i can do is chat with you.

  6. jesus fucking chist, i quessd that u ur gonna say”non taken” fucking magic.

  7. happy milfday to Reiska!

  8. no problem, im banned from the church, some silly no-machetes rule and few safety thingys. Like, in the vinter when the church looks like a really big mountain, i kinda tried ice climing on it.

  9. Weo is Jesus in real life.

  10. jesus revived already, 3 days after he was killed. HOLYSHITYOUWEREWRONG!

  11. jesus, do you have any idea how worried i was about you, i met really dangerous enemies on the shoutbox, good to see that now i have defeated em, you are back fully unharmed.

  12. as you can see from my status update, guns are more useful here than pcychotic powers.

  13. knifed russian man knocked on my door and asked me to call an ambulance, some nigger knifed him.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nobana


      Nigger =/= racist

    3. Reiska


      i would have stabbed that bitch again heheh just joking

    4. Dr.Minky


      Did he steal his bike too?

    1. Baron Baconeer
    2. xeim


      Rubbadidubba ruschkaruskidoskaaaaa Rabbadibdabbabaaa

      thats what i hear :D

  14. i really have no idea what the crap is a lane. But here people use kalashnikov's incase they want somebody to... Forget something.

  15. why would you want to teleport my memories to your lake? Oh, and whats that ghost pokemon on your profile picture?

  16. tornado coming here in the next few hours. Well see how many ppl will drown.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VMR


      did u died?

    3. VMR


      o nvm it arnt done yet lol

    4. Tennisballesser


      people dont drown in tornados .......

      usualy :§

  17. have you noticed that you are twice on Raptor's friend list? Atleast for me. Or is it your evil twin?

  18. What is the easiest way to tell a girl that she has neck cancer?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      meh, i just saw it today and i didint rly know what it is, so i tested what way she reacts to "neck cancer" and then asked about it from other dudes. Oh, like i said earlier, she cried.

    3. xeim


      i wonder if that was a tactically good move Oo

    4. TechnoNegro


      Omfg some1 delted some1s comment... Creepy.

  19. i think i should make a backseat mod apply. Or just normal admin apply, and then i can play im a backseat mod.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. terminator


      I know this one guy he is so fat he has no drivers seat, he is always laid back on the back seat just driving and this one time he took me to the candy mountain with all my pony friends and we ate potatoes and jesus read us a bed time story and we lived happily ever after :D!!

    3. Darkstar


      Hundred, remind me what I said again. I cannae remember.

    4. Hundred2


      Something about the rules.

  20. I eat pain.

    1. terminator


      I bet women on their period must love you.

    2. Raptor
    3. Baron Baconeer
  21. My dog just opened a locked door. fucking great, now i dont have to open the door for it so it can get out.

  22. y u no know what is bonk.

  23. i was just playing GH3 and suddenly this happens "picture of ripped off cock"

    1. xeim


      Star Power Activate ! *rips off cock*

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