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Mr. Green Gaming

Google Hoops

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Everything posted by Google Hoops

  1. I don't play on ZS much but if there more things to it (like these ideas and whatever) then I'm sure I would play on it more and i'm sure more people would too. I know a lot of people play already but still more would play.
  2. What makes me laugh the most is that the people that used the idle program lose items that they gained through the idler, but the people who didn't use the idler gain a hat, which, if I am correct, is what the idlers were going for in the first place and to me I think (for the idlers) that's just a MASSIVE KICK IN THE FACE.
  3. That's my PC in my parent's house, that's right i have two PCs. I got a picture of this one instead of the one in my apartment because my apartment is being fumigated (termites).
  4. Would be a great desktop wallpaper. I'm stealing that picture if you don't mind.
  5. Having the same problem as c00t3r now same problem. Have you restarted the server??
  6. Does your picture change all the time or something I look at it one time its something I look the next time it's something else.

  7. I just talked to someone that goes on IW his name is Messy and he's got the same problem. Yea I told c00t3r to do that he still get's the same problem.
  8. Yea I uploaded the file on file front and told c00t3r bout it he's trying it now. The file isn't corrupt this time. http://www.filefront.com/14449191/infected...public_1.11.zip is the link I gave to him.
  9. Yea iv'e been trying to help people out that say "Your gun is an ERROR" so i tell them to download 1.11 but they've said that it was corrupted too. So maybe the file actually got corrupted or something. I can join the server but that's now at 10:00 but the server should be on 24/7. There was a GMod Patch 70 though so they could have just been restarting the server. EDIT: Well iv'e just had a look at the file and it seems totally fine it must be just your bad downloading techniques c00t3r. Sorry if iv'e spelt stuff wrong my dictionary is spazzing out today.
  10. I was laughing all the way through especially on the part about counter strike.
  11. EmRA loving the guy on the helicopter he's like
  12. 1.Grab the Air Rifle and unlimited ammo. 2.Check people's houses for survivors. Try to get them to come with you (obviously). 3.Check people's houses for weapons (guns, axes chainsaws etc.) 4.Gather big stuff (sofas, cupboards, beds etc.) try to block off part of the street stay there for a while. 5.Try to use phones and some kinds of communication devices to try to get rescued. GOLDEN RULE:DO NOT FIRE UPON ZOMBIES/INFECTED IF THEY HAVEN'T SEEN YOU!!!!!
  13. Yeah exactly, he would fit to be an admin, but lately there are lot's of guys that want to become admin. We have to sort out the bad from the good > Yea hopefully I'll be counted as one of the good guys. Thanks Stalkey for the compliment.
  14. Isn't that the map that lets you sink the Titanic? If so, what did you do yourself? Hundred, quick! [mp3] [/mp3] Brilliant played that and looked at Hundy's picture and it felt like I was in GMod 24
  15. Dude I don't know what movies you have and haven't seen I'm pretty sure a lot of people have seen it and how is anyone meant to know what anyone has seen and hasn't seen. I have read the rules it's just you didn't post the name of every single movie you have seen.
  16. Umm this didn't take me long at all hopefully going for 9999999999th place fingers crossed. XD Dude, Where's my Car? is the name of the movie.
  17. What is your problem I don't post much but I go on IW a lot. I don't even understand why that is relevant if i post much or not.
  18. Yea I only saw you on today. I think I saw you on some other day too. Thanks for the good luck.
  19. By IW admins do you mean Ywa and Clavus or ERROR 401 and CowChucker 'cause Ywa and Clavus are pretty much never on so they wont know me too well. The ultimate decision: Ywa and Clavus (Topcrew) The oppinion about your behavior: The admins on the IW server. Because if you play on that server (quite a must) then the admins surely know how you behave. Or regulars who see you play. Oh Okay.
  20. Would be very awesome Sacri. Very Awesome indeed. I speak Russian makes me part of the Russian Mafia > I was newb here I bump take no notice
  21. GMod one will be awesome. Can I wait? No.
  22. IRC would be awesome.
  23. Happened to me too I just went on the next day and it was fine.
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