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Mr. Green Gaming

Google Hoops

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Everything posted by Google Hoops

  1. Has a picture of some strange bearded man who likes pigeons. (i know it's a dove but if you like pigeons it's more strange)
  2. I've gotta stop spamming this topic, but I mean why not?
  3. Doesn't understand that people and acid are different things @ Lemon: WTF I've used the !stuck command about 4 times and never abused it.
  4. Delu are you actually going to do anything 'bout the mines detection 'cause it's really not that great at all. Unless you've already done it, then I'm an ass
  5. Is good at four question marks.
  6. First: Take the silenced USP for taking guys out without others knowing. Second: Take the M4A1 or M16 or M4 or whatever it is called Third: C: Abadon "Teammate's Ushanka" quest, and go to find other people of the Shoutbox Island Security. (with the car of course) Oh and make sure to get the helmet the Shoutbox Island Security Guard dropped.
  7. Catching up to your post count, dude, you better watch the fuck out!

  8. Touchdown is pure for the awesomeness and the occasional moments. Besides that, it's really somewhat impractical and I recommend buying Shock Dampers too to reduce your fall damage Yea, I saw that one and thought 'Touchdown' sounds way more awesome... buuuut... how about?.... both.... maybe?
  9. Do steel talons actually rule?

    Or is it NOD?

    Or GDI?

    Or The Skryn??

  10. OMFG! I spam this topic.
  11. Likes Obama just like me YES WE CAN!!!!
  12. Clav I AM LOVING the achievements. I haven't gotten any yet (cause I are too poorz) but I love the sound of 'Touchdown' it just sounds as if your gonna be awesome
  13. Ah well, I haven't played in a few days so I didn't know, good though that you won't then get raped with it.
  14. Knows where my super-not-so-secret-HQ is now. Damn it i shall have to find a new location for my HQ to dominate the world... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA... lulz
  15. I kinda agree but I just think that zombies have a disadvantage always cause they get raped by shotty once some one redeems.
  16. "Why did you do that... enehnehne..." all I understood from that 5 year old.
  17. B, so if your successful you and the sec. guy can become friends, unless he's a dick then you shoot him.
  18. Doesn't actually have a beard.
  19. It's an XP fail. It just starts to do that after a while, switching to a different OS would fix it
  20. So how long is it going to take, a Valve Week? http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time
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