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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. Man, it has been a LONG time. More than a decade? How is Mr.Green going? Many communities rise and fall, but MrGreen seems to resist the test of time. Anyways, I have an idea for a re-make of the Infected Wars gamemode (Garry's mod), in case anyone is interessed. Tribute video of Infected Wars: THE IDEA - Infected Wars CO-OP (PvE mode) The problem: The problem of the gamemode it is not suited for PvP (very unbalanced). Low player count = Undead Legion gets farmed and easily spawnkilled by Spec ops Team. The solution: 1. PvE based gamemode (if under 20 players) = Sector defence. Description: Undead AI would move to 3 capture zones (A,B,C). Each time an undead AI is in the zone, it would bleed tickets each second for the Human team (players). Total Spec Ops victory tickets: 200. Needed undead kills to win: 700. Victory would grant 2x XP won from kills. If a player dies, it would take him 1:30 minutes to respawn. Undead Legion (AI) would capture and destroy objective zones (capturable zones), granting them bonuses and round unlocks (Example: Multiple behemoths, health regeneration, damage resist, damage multiplier). 2. PvP gamemode (20+ players) would have objectives for Undead Legion to do, that would give them serious buffs (ex: 2x/3x dmg, damage resistance). 3. XP leveling system: Classes would be unlocked by an XP system. If anyone wants to have a go at re-making this gem of gamemode, go for it. IMPORTANT EDIT: Later this year I might make a complete remake of Infected Wars, including everything that is listed here in it. Including: two different sub-modes + Refined Vanilla IW + maps designed for the new sub-modes. https://steamcommunity.com/id/rui_troia/
  2. Man, it has been a LONG time. More than a decade? How is Mr.Green going? Many communities rise and fall, but MrGreen seems to resist the test of time. Anyways, I have an idea for a re-make of the Infected Wars gamemode (Garry's mod), in case anyone is interessed. Tribute video of Infected Wars: THE IDEA - Infected Wars CO-OP (PvE mode) The problem: The problem of the gamemode it is not suited for PvP (very unbalanced). Low player count = Undead Legion gets farmed and easily spawnkilled by Spec ops Team. The solution: 1. PvE based gamemode (if under 20 players) = Sector defence. Description: Undead AI would move to 3 capture zones (A,B,C). Each time an undead AI is in the zone, it would bleed tickets each second for the Human team (players). Total Spec Ops victory tickets: 200. Needed undead kills to win: 700. Victory would grant 2x XP won from kills. If a player dies, it would take him 1:30 minutes to respawn. Undead Legion (AI) would capture and destroy objective zones (capturable zones), granting them bonuses and round unlocks (Example: Multiple behemoths, health regeneration, damage resist, damage multiplier). 2. PvP gamemode (20+ players) would have objectives for Undead Legion to do, that would give them serious buffs (ex: 2x/3x dmg, damage resistance). 3. XP leveling system: Classes would be unlocked by an XP system. If anyone wants to have a go at re-making this gem of gamemode, go for it. IMPORTANT EDIT: Later this year I might make a complete remake of Infected Wars, including everything that is listed here in it. Including: two different sub-modes + Refined Vanilla IW + maps designed for the new sub-modes. https://steamcommunity.com/id/rui_troia/
  3. was lurking zombies should get stronger for each brain and assist they have in that match, some sort of "efficiency" system. (HP&attack speed bonuses)
  4. no zombie gameplay on that video only shows how unbalanced the game was back then.
  5. And also, public beta test 24/7 server should only be activated when GC has been implemented, or any source that bounds the player to the server (aka getting anything from playing it), if you want to beta test then just alert everyone at a certain time. The only thing you'll get from getting beta test server being ran 24/7 is loss of interess and hype, best is to just keep with the scheudles.
  6. Just because you dealt most damage doesnt mean you have to suicide on purpose in order to not let the second most damage-dealing zombie be boss. This is a big flaw which must be looked upon and fixed as soon as possible.
  7. This test was pretty good, fixed balancing since Zombies now stand a chance against Humans, but still I dont feel its ready for Beta test, yet. And alot of things need to be looked upon. Great progress although, it is possible to play as a zombie now. Bugs I've found along the testing, and things that need sorting! Green gases still dont heal! Fix it Zombies NEED spawn protection, by that I mean be delt less damage for 10 seconds. Zombies NEED an assist system, aswell as some sort of barricade award system. If you've gotten more than 4 brains while being a boss you will be automaticly redeemed in 2 minutes, cant be done at wave 6. Wraith NEEDS a buff. Pick one: Increase 20HP damage to 45 / Dont freeze on air/ Increase speed, and decrease tp cooldown aswell as adding more health. Add objectives around the map, which if players fullfil them (by repairing a zone, holding a sector) they get additional SP. Instead of "Ammo!" in the shop, make a button called BUY AMMO, BUY WEAPON Highlight fast zombie when you can choose him, if possible. Separate the zombie classes by tiers, like I suggested to Duby in a document I've shown him. Hate shouldnt freeze while attacking. I know he deals 90HP damage, but you cant get to humans at all. Overall is ok dont change anything on him If you suicide or get killed while being a boss, when there is one minute left to start a new wave as a boss, you wont be the next boss zombie (fixes alot of exploits used by elite zs players which wont let other players go play as bosses).
  8. in other words, I wish the best for this to work out
  9. Welcome, Godshand glad you're back to the community, I remember you very well not only from Mr.Green but from other communities. I confirm Nobody (aka Godshand) is a Mr.Green Veteran. Also welcome back Braindawg, Lejorah, robbert^^,zoidberg_reborn,Zarco, AntZ, Pistol mags!
  10. -BUGS I FOUND AND STUFF THAT NEEDS A CHECKUP- -> Scoreboard brain counter and points counter get "glued" to the persons name if that persons name is too long. -> Hitboxes are way too broken. Moving targets are impossible to hit at point blank range. -> Class choosing for Humans cant be viewed in one view, make it possible to view every class without scrolling down. -> Rob mentioned somenthing about fresh zombie can quickswitch to any class, talk to him. -> When zombie classes get hit by melee strikes its almost like they fly away, I know it has somenthing to do with source engine, but try to fix that. -> Zombie gasses doesnt heal. -> Wraith and Etheral need emergency buff. Merge them together, remove the stop-motion effect when attacking. EDIT: Some reminders... -> Zombie HP needs atleast a cross. -> Class selection menu could be categorized into sections - "Hybrid";"Hunters";"Assassins";"Bosses";"Tanks" - This would make things more organized and interessing.
  11. Repost update - Found solid proof of me playing in 2010! (I am the gordon freeman model dude the entire video, with the autoshotgun) -
  12. NICE! These Dual Deagles sound pretty good Now zombies are in need of some love too.. Also from the video I also suggest, considering this was only a test to show the efficiency of the Dual Deagles... Make the HUD box a little darker, the whiteness of the numbers almost blends in with the lit part of the water on the pool. Noticed that the Dual desert eagles suffer no aim distortion while walking, they always seem to hit the place. Nerf it a little, or make zombies more stronger (remove knockback unless dealt x damage on legs, which will apply slow for x time) Dual Deagles reload time MUST BE SLOWN DOWN, the reload speed on the normal deagle is slower than the dual deagles, you need to patch this shit otherwise Humans get some strong advantage, inflicting problems in balancing.
  13. Looking forward seeing you there
  14. Cool, that's actually a pretty good idea! Anyways here's my steam ID, proof, etc...
  15. Only if it doesnt make it too unfair and unbalanced, BETA testers should get titles, achievements and probably some XP and GC?
  16. 10/10 used to hear that so much another rock-melody track lets go
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