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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. Reposting the video so it can be seen on this page too Be sure to check the last page for some content updates, mostly bug fixing and polishing, aswell as some planned concepts!
  2. 8/10 - Really like the lyrics and the melody for both of you. I really like this one, great melody, voicing and guitar.. so I tought about sharing it with you all
  3. 9/10, really good viiNi I like this one alot, if you like rock+melody+singing this is the best for you to hear : )
  4. Alright, to everyone reading this thread and is interessed in making contributions or keeping in touch with the development of the Mr.Green's ZS Rebirth "Duby build" project, we are planning in making an unique Ranking system for Humans and for Zombies and a Global Rank system, this is a whole new brand script, which wont make the game unbalanced or in any way unfair for both teams and also allows the existance of some bonuses related to the profile of the player and to the forum account. The only concluded build that is planned to get in, is the Global XP Progression, which can be leveled for doing well overall, as Human or as Zombie, and has an influence in your player profile (server wise and forum wise). By progressing the Global XP Progression, you would unlock the following: Rank symbology ! You can see everyone's rank on the scoreboard, on the killfeed and on their player's profile! Rank profile! You can see all your unlockables from there, aswell as an option to show your progress. Additional GC gaining for actions made. In-game badges, titles and forum badges for reaching certain levels. Increased loot-drop chance, you can use that loot to modify your Mr.Green profile, and your own character! There will be Rank systems for you to level as Humans 'Humanity' and for Zombies 'Infection'. Please read: At the momment none of this has been implemented or coded yet since its not in the main priority of the development, this is just a plan of what is to come! So feel free to post your suggestions and your perspective towards this idea which will be implemented in the future. We want all Mr.Green players, from new players to regulars to elites and veterans, to share their opinions so Mr.Green can have its deserved Zombie Survival server for once and for all, a community created trough the members and the developers. =)
  5. overall ok I like the melody on 1:55, I hate the lyrics 7/10 =) only real mr.green members will recognize where this track came from.
  6. rui_troia

    Battlefield 1

    ww1 germany united lets go
  7. Oh shit! I didnt remember that when I was posting! Pretty much if I remember well, its still okay, Deathlegends only makes weapon shoot faster and deal more damage, so the suggestion is still quite of original
  8. So I've been thinking of somenthing unique suggestions, I will just post em here to serve as proof in case some other server steals this suggestion... !!!THIS IS A SUGGESTION!!! Round-only specific weapon leveling (Balancing suggestion) (can level by delivering last blows and dealing damage to zombies who arent in zombie spawn) lets take the MP5 as an example LVL 0 MP5 LVL 1 MP5 - Decreases price of ammo by 25% LVL 5 MP5 - 50% faster reload total, 100% more headshot damage LVL 7 MP5 - Decreases price of ammo by a total of 50%, 50% total damage boost LVL 9 MP5 - Decreases price of ammo by a total of 75% LVL 10 MP5 - 100% total faster reload, 100% total damage boost, gives back all the ammo you've shot. LVL 15 MP5 - 200% total faster reload, 115% total damage boost >MAX LVL 20 MP5< - 220% total faster reload, 150% total damage boost, 200% headshoot damage MELEE WEAPONS (should be far easier to level but doesnt give too many attributes due to the existance of the berzerker class) (lets take crowbar as an example) LVL 0 CROWBAR LVL 5 CROWBAR - Decreases price of its cost in the shop by 75% LVL 6 CROWBAR - Has a 50% chance to make double damage LVL 9 CROWBAR - Swings 100% faster LVL 15 CROWBAR - Every kill you restore 5HP and gives you 10 armor (armor reduces damage taken by 25%) >MAX LVL 20 CROWBAR< - Swings 200% faster, every kill restores 12HP and 50 armor(being or not being a berzerker) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST HUMAN RANDOM EVENTS (event suggestion) Every time one human remains and STAYS ALIVE for 30 seconds the following may happen... (ONE MAN ARMY) - An explosive effect happens on him and everything between him and a certain radious would instantly die, gives him 300HP and infinite armor (reduces 25% damage taken), and a Last Human weapon which can be selected at the start of the game. (LAST FOCUS) - Last human is given ZEDTIME control for 3 minutes (also slows down wave countdown). (FINAL SLASH) - Every zombie goes back to the zombie spawn and respawns as zombie bosses, wave counter is removed and the round can only be won if 10 bosses die. The Last Human is given an one hit melee weapon with a massive swipe cooldown and an one-hit-kill damage maker, which humans can only access trough this random last human event. (WARS OF THE INFECTED) - (this one is a secret if you ever have played Mr.Green Infected Wars you'll know what is this about ) ----------------------------------------------------------------
  9. good luck pufulet, I hope you can bring somenthing unique to the Mr.Green community aswell =) after all, everyone here is trying to do what's best for the Mr.Green community and its playerbase growth, who knows your project might be popular too?
  10. Every weekend there's a chance for the Mr.Green ZS Rebirth to be tested out, so stay alert!
  11. I dont think this thread is updated
  12. Can you put it on Greenies thread? Since this project wont be done for the Mr.Green ZS.
  13. Check the progress of the Mr.Green ZSV3 Rebirth "Duby" build here!


    1. Duby


      Got a decent update coming. We should be about 2 updates away from release I'd say. (but ya never know) xD 

    2. rui_troia



  14. Reposting the video so it can be seen in this page Made by Duby
  15. Sick video man good work!!!!!!!!! my map at 1:17
  16. it is thanks to me that Mr.Darkness found that project but anyways dude you're the main contributor of the developer team keep it up, the game should be advertised more on the steam page, and competitive modes should take place often ( I remember participating in the 1v1 tournaments, good stuff sick plays )
  17. Well pointed, we still got alot of time untill summer so let's craft things nicely and not rush it. I have also been playing in some other ZS servers with almost no little modification from NoX's V3, but they made it a hell a lot more optimized, I suggest we do the following: Add a quickbuy key to buy ammo when near arsenal. When zombies spawn they have 5 second massive speed boost and armor, 10 seconds if they are first zombies. Optimize zombies as much as possible, make sure they hit in range, this goes for all classes, from zombies to wraith to poison zombies. Add official achievement-unlockable titles to display in light-blue/grey, modified titles in darker green(if human) and orange(if zombie), moderator/administrator/owner titles in red. When 20 zombies are killed by Humans without having eaten a brain, all zombies get mini-armor in their next 2 spawns when they spawn untill they die. When 80 zombies are killed by Humans without having eaten a brain, all zombies get 2x health when they spawn, for their life. EDIT: MAKE Mr.green ZS advertised in the MTA servers, for real, this will be sure to get more players in. Some suggestions listed here are also for balancing issues, but the quickbuy key is a must aswell as some optimization. I was thinking about remaking the arsenal shop menu and make it way more simple.
  18. More suggestions I recommend 1. MR.GREEN STATS AND RANKING SYSTEM - Every player has its profile, from there you can see how many ZS/ZA rounds he won/lost, how many GC that person has, if he is linked to the forums, kills, assists, total playtime and the class progression on Humans and Zombies.You can also earn badges from getting honorable mentions. MAKE SURE THE DATABASE WONT BE LOST, JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO OLD VERSIONS OF IT 2. LINK ACCOUNT TO FORUMS - Being linked to the forums would give you an achievement aswell as 100 GC for doing it. Do not make it so it can be exploited. 3. ACHIEVEMENT REWARDING - Achievements gives 20 GC and a small portion of XP to all Human and Zombie classes. 4. FIRST ZOMBIE CHOOSING SYSTEM - Once the map loads it will be given 30 seconds for wait to players to join and 2 minutes for the start of the round. An entity by the middle of the map (static zombie?) would spawn and the players closer to it would be chosen for first zombies, the closer they are to it the bigger will be the first-zombie bonus. 5. RNGJESUS ZOMBIE MELEE - There's a small chance (1 out of 10) (10% chance) that any kind of zombies can doubleswipe while performing an attack, plus greatly increasing the slow down of the victim(s). First zombies who were close enough to the entity by the start are granted the chance of having a chance of 7 out of 10 to doubleswipe (70% chance). 6. ANTI-FARM SYSTEM - stats only count when 7 players are on. 7. NEW PLAYER BONUS - New players have a bonus for joining, they will be granted bonuses for 20 matches, such as CHEAPER PRICES, LESS RESPAWN TIME AS ZOMBIE, TRIPLESWIPE CHANCE INSTEAD OF DOUBLESWIPE, DOUBLE GAIN OF COINS AND DOUBLE XP GAIN. That's all I could think about for now.
  19. Sweet, I might go make maps exclusively for Mr.Green ZS! I dont mind learning the howtos and such. Looks pretty cool, I suggest that you add the weapon pictures next to the names, you know, the ones used in the killfeed. And also correction: Loadout not lodout.
  20. Sweet, can you give a tutorial of the requirements of a Mr.Green ZS arena map?
  21. Nice, cant wait to test out the arena sub-game and the zombie hit detection
  22. Niiiceeee, so far as I've tested with you Duby I can say the following should be done to have a perfect Mr.Green V3 Remake, where it attracts players and increases the possibility of having "new blood pumping trough the old heart of Mr.Green"... >Human classes Classes shouldnt make the game too hard for zombies, just like in previous versions people would spawn with extremely overpowered pulse rifles as engineers and would spawnkill the zombies together as a group, and some would just run around and heal. Don't make classes strong to the point where you can obviously tell the difference between a lvl 0 and a lvl 6-7 player, just make it slightly noticeable by adding minor boosts and unlocks that wouldnt make the game be based on how much of a veteran you are. >Zombie classes, hit detection V.S Humans, first player zombies and HAVING FUN playing as zombies Player zombies MUST have fun, and by that I mean dont suffer the pain of facing strong cades/knockback/spawnkill. All player zombies should get an armor that would reduce the damage they get by 3x times, on the momment that they would leave the Zombie Spawn (make it last 10 seconds), aswell as a speed boost. Knockback should be reduced, considering Humans will deal fair ammounts of damage against zombies. I recommend that if 5 zombies are within a range, knockback would be totally removed and it would do the opposite effect (boosting speed slightly) Boss zombies should also give a minor boost to around zombies. Redeeming option based on how many points you've gotten as a zombie, based on a new system I recommend that should be applied (1HP dmg = 1 point; 1 killbow = 100 points; Redeem = 600 points) Points could be called as Flesh. Make zombie classes level-upable! Granting bonus to nearby undead and to self. Randomize boss zombie option between having 1 boss, or 2 bosses at the same time but with lower HP. Make zombies have "long-arms" (increase hitting-range against Humans and barricades, aswell as slow the target greatly) Don't make zombies making sounds every bullet they take, its annoying. >Maplist content Decrease avaliable maps to 10. Less maps = faster download time = higher chance of having more regulars coming now and then = increase ZS population. Add a variety of map events, such as weapons dropping aswell as ammo caches, different boss spawning areas, usable entities... Map pictures MUST show up on loading screen aswell as tips for it, it's more good looking other than a massive green face in the middle and some text most players dont understand. >Human weaponry Make it hard to obtain new weapons, but fairly easy to get ammo. The current system being developed by Duby is okay. That's all I suggest and have seen for now, I might come up with more things later, the HUD looks incredibly good. Dont mind what people say about making ZS out of V3, IT'S THE BEST THING TO DO. Most of these players just want an excuse to do well as an Human player or are simply elitists and "old zs wannabes".. The HUD looks fantastic, beats every server I've seen so far, now I suggest you do the following: IMPROVE L4G ZS, AND LAUNCH IT BY SUMMER - Just keep testing and perfecting it, it can wait. When the time is right you should upload it by early summer, where most players are on to play it. CREDIT NoXiousnet for allowing you to do the remake on the V3 - Yeah, it's a remake out of V3, it may not look like NoX or any other ZS server, but still.. The base project came out from V3's mechanics, in a question of crediting the possibility of a smooth, more balanced remake of V1's Mr.Green, you should credit NoXiousnet for letting it be possible of doing the remake on the V3. MAKE A STRONG DATABASE - Stats must be saved and shown up in somewhat of a ranking page, if this is not done it will be hard to get regulars to stay around without a reason other than having fun, a community needs its elitists and tryhards. That's all Duby, just keep doing what you're doing -Commander RuiEUrope (aka rui_troia)
  23. sick surfing
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