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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. 9 out of 10. Really very good music, liked it alot but hate the lyrics really hate
  2. rui_troia


    Nice videos man haha
  3. one of the sickest techno beats i've heard so far, ill use that on my gym workout music ty haha... just hate the lyrics but other than that its sick 9/10!
  4. 10/10 memmories...
  5. Yeah, but for KF2 I would suggest nothing to be done at the momment other than hosting a server, due to the fact that its a game being developed constantly. Some great stuff could be done with it haha (such as gungame, deathmatch, free for all, etc...) but I recommend not. Back to topic, what do you think Mr.Green could expand next? CS:S or CS:GO?
  6. I would say CS:GO is much more popular now adays. I think we would be much bigger if we made something in CS:GO as CSS is about to die. I personally love CSS but talking in general i think we would gain more on go. GO Legacy servers are going to be shut down by VALVe, I've heard somenthing like that because players were investing money in skins which wasnt applied to their profile. They didnt say anything about CS:S, so yeah. It is true that CS:GO has more playerbase than CS:S.
  7. thx i couldve been way better if i started doing it right from the start pretty much i was trying to define muscles that i didnt had haha, now im creating these muscles to define them later Its fine, I was doing the same as well till friend of mine helped me I stopped going to the GYM because I had some injures in my left leg xD damn that sucks, how did that happen? will you return to the gym soon?
  8. But then, back to topic, will you ever extend Mr.Green to css again?
  9. thx i couldve been way better if i started doing it right from the start pretty much i was trying to define muscles that i didnt had haha, now im creating these muscles to define them later
  10. I've seen this when it was being made, these wips you sent me haha, needs some posters for the Combine faction with combine soldiers
  11. That's a great idea, I am fully willing to assist Mr.Green in any way I can other than donating Such community with great past cannot simply fade away.
  12. 0/10 sorry i've heard better
  13. You couldnt be more right there, we need to refill the heart of Mr.Green with fresh new blood. The key to that is to attract players via megaservers, servers which are populated alot (other than MTA). If Mr.Green has atleast one megaserver in Garry's mod and one megaserver in CS:S... it would be more than enough to revive old gamemodes such as Infected wars, population of ZS and Darkest Days... just dont lose hope, it is achievable. I can help you with translating stuff to Portuguese if you want to.
  14. 7/10
  15. So, it is safe to say that atleast half of the regulars of Mr.Green have played on the old, now dead, Left4Green cs:s surf server. It ended up diing due to inactivity, just like Mr.Green's TF2 servers and Day of Defeat. I am here to suggest a new comeback of a new Mr.Green's CS:S Servers, with the Gameme ranking system. I suggest the following to be done: Mr.Green CS:S Skill Surf Server (Skill Surf, ranks/titles and records, can earn GC for everytime a course is completed) Mr.Green CS:S Skill Bhop Server (Skill Bhop, ranks/titles and records, can earn GC for everytime a course is completed) Mr.Green CS:S Vanilla Server (Gameme Rank system implementation, DE and Hostage maps, earn GC for every win and enemy killed) Mr.Green CS:S Zombie Escape Server (Gameme Rank system implementation,GC for every round won as CT(survivors) and for every enemy killed) Feedback appreciated! It's always good to extend the roots of Mr.Green's/Left4Green's Community, could even bring more players for the unpopulated Garry's mod playerbase.
  16. -
  17. 9/10 good video good music perfect wombocombo i commend
  18. your zs wont solve anything to be honest duby, mr.green zs is unfixable, its been for ages since you all have tried to improve somenthing that was already good, since then mr.green zs started being a pile of shit. Duby your efforts are noted but its a joke you cant fix this the only man who could left it (deluvas), and even if he did it wouldnt be any better give up on mr.green zs, focus in making different gmod gamemodes instead or focus in restoring the other servers or making new ones to expand the community
  19. you forgot to mention that i always beat the crap out of you if you dont early harass me and if it wasnt by me, you, pufulet and rob wouldnt be playing it
  20. 10/10 all my commend
  21. can you remove blowtorch giving sp for props who were damaged by humans rise the zombie's hitboxes (melee range is shit pls fixit cunt)
  22. there is no zs confirmed therefore no mr green illuminate i report all
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