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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by rui_troia

  1. Screw you all, noobs! your shitty loot is worth nothing in comparision to the sheer awesomeness of the spoils of war I've obtained from many legendary PvP fights!


    EDIT: I also haz fookin' epickz0r equip, even a sharp IV with fire IV and power IV and knockback IV can deal the same damage to me as a punch from a old woman on a wheelchair would do!



    Yes, those pink things you see are penises, 69 of them.



  2. The Hive is an amazing costum story map, had loads of fun trying to complete it on Hard with 5 friends :D

    You up for a match if we can get 4-6 ppl? :) me and my brother made it to the sewers on hard or suicidal. cant really remember, but we got pretty raped there though.

    Sure, but note that this weekend I will be busy.

    In 7 days ( The other weekend) I will be able to have more free time, so we meet there?

  3. Been working on this cartoon for the past 2 years i have the first scene worked out pretty much!

    Progress has been slow but im happy with the result!

    Ahahaha thats nice ! Tell me when the full release is coming, have been following this cartoon for quite a while now and am super hyped!!!! Will there be a collectors edition with a special package to keep it unopened ?


  4. Making a modified NPC called ''Stalkerman''.

    Stalkerman is a creature of the Half-Life world made by me.

    Basicly, it's a stalker NPC with his bones modified, I just use it for making films from Youtube and such, don't want to make it a big deal.

    Time passed and I've made some versions of it, and still I plan to do more.

    Some Screenies and such...

    Edited screenie...


    Final Version (Untill now)


    I don't want to achieve somenthing considerable with this.

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