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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Holy

  1. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice
  2. Stop haxing offtopic everywhere Error. I wish good luck.
  3. Bah. Who need a team going rambo is the best way to win !
  4. I will download it and look how it will be and after that i will see what i do
  5. i want to see how the new turret will like naooooo !
  6. Always nice to play with you you are friendly, helpfull and awesome too ! Hope I will see you on the server as admin soon(top crew soon means 6+ months) !
  7. He´s always friendly and help other players so i would like to see him as admin ! STOLZ
  8. mods were one of the best things at cod 4
  9. the turret will change anyway at next update (if everything runs without a problem)
  10. On sewer i know theres a heart beat that zombies sometimes see in the wall but its not really a player its like the "ghosts" of connecting people and the annoying thing is my turret keep shooting them.
  11. Dont be sad but i dont see you often online good luck anyway.
  12. vent was awesome i love to fly around with tons of zombie in your back
  13. what the hack i just noticed that you are spamming that iam gay on my profile x)

  14. hm not hard question you noticed whats the topics title �
  15. ah that one its good but it need more room and more distance between zombie and human spawn points
  16. Is zombie on a train the map where 2 trains always come and you need to jump on them and use a ramp to come to the humans ? If yes this map kick ass but its small.
  17. Okay i know i said already welcome back ingame but welcome back to the the forum
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